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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’re pretty sure guys from all over will be racing to downtown LA to catch a glimpse of Amber Rose’s SLUT WALK. The event was conceived after a Toronto policeman suggested that “Women should avoid dressing like sluts to avoid being raped.” Women protest the notion that what they wear can make them responsible for their own assault. Amber considers herself a feminist and her old pal Blac Chyna, who is also a former stripper, joined Amber in the protest. Noticeably absent: the Kardashians. Amber MEANS well, but we’re not certain that a Slut Walk appeals to most feminists. It does appeal to the men watching and cheering…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Paula

    How disgusting these things are.

  2. rowing

    it isnt?

  3. Palermo

    Setting women back a hundred years. This is just shameless self promotion for these tramps

  4. susieserb

    I thought Slut Walking was the new norm?

  5. Venusian

    These two should read up on feminism because they haven’t a clue. This is the kind of dumb stunt the Free the Nipple idiots engage in. Nothing to do with female empowerment in the least and is very harmful for all women.

  6. When is this cow's 15 up?

    Dressing like a slut doesn’t mean you “deserve” to be raped but it does increase your chanced that it will happen so why take the chance? Why tempt fate? It makes about as much sense as walking through a lion’s den with steak. This isn’t feminism it’s just plain stupid.

  7. Giada De Putana

    These ‘women’ who alter their bodies with unnatural appendages are truly the epitome of ‘feminism’. All of it is designed by their middle aged white managers.