Dog “The Bounty Hunter” Chapman’s son has spilled the beans on his father to The National Enquirer and it isn’t pretty. Dog’s oldest son Christopher, 34, says “The Dog that people see on TV is nothing like he is in real life. He’s a monster – a violent, racist tyrant who smokes crack.” Chris goes on to say that his father introduced him to smoking crack and eventually crystal meth. He says “It turns my stomach to see him lecture people on not using drugs when he’s the biggest drug user I ever saw. When he woke up after a crack binge he’d get violent with Beth and me and the other kids. The violence in that house was incredible – like a hillbilly trailer park.” Chris also claims his father is a bigot who hates blacks and gays. Frankly, if we were Chris, we’d be too scared of Dog to say any of those things.
Don’t think Beth ought to be chanting “la li la li icehead” anymore since Dog is a crackhead and Beth smokes dope herself. These people are such hypocrits.
That Chapmans need to start telling the truth and admitting they both have drug problems and GET HELP!
Matt you would know your mother is one! That makes you an ICE ICE BABY!
Hey Elizabeth, you talk like an ice whore. As Beth would say “ICE HEAD ICE HEAD LALEE LALEE ICE HEAD….SHHHHHH!
Peg Bundy, playing clue and watching Murder She Wrote reruns for 26 years doesn’t make you a cop. You are mentally ill and are probably posting from the loony hospital. The man you say is your husband telling you to quit is your male nurse you can’t fool me. Have another fix you old cow!
Hey Elisabeth,
I am not a “Housewife” although I think that is an honorable profession. I have been a police officer for 26 years. 21 of which I have worked crimes against children. I have heard and seen pretty much everything. My husband and I are just fine, thank you. He tells me I should quit arguing with idiots like you. I guess I just like you too much. You are sooooo funny!!!
Ok! Dog and Beth have never made any secrets about their pasts. Yes Dog did do drugs and so what if Beth was a hooker, they caught a man who was found guilty of over 80 counts of rape. As for you hearing their fights you fail to mention that the houses are so close in Hawaii that they can probaly hear your fights too.
Peg as in peg bundy… you are a white trash housewife! Sit your ass down you one tooth meth faced crack hooker! Yes I watch porn so what’s wrong with that your husband does too and he get off on it you narrow minded hag!
Sounds like you need to get laid more often your old rotten bag of potatoes.
I’ll pray for you too. You have a pretty trashy mouth for someone who thinks she is so much better than other people. You obviously like to watch porn since you know Beth looks like a porn star. I guess Dog looks like your former boss a pimp. I guess you don’t like white people since you use white as a slanderous word to discribe them. I’d rather live next to them than you!
And this is a surprise? I’m sure he has a Confederate flag flying on his front porch. Or off the back of his pick-up. Dude is the ultimate redneck, people.
Peg stop preaching your BS here! You don’t know what you are talking about. Your just a crazed fan of the show. I live next to them I know the trash that they are, so go back to your worm picking you loser. What’s for din din hon? some more road kill?
Christopher is Dogs oldest son. He was put up for adoption as his parents were so young and not married. Don’t you think he might have some bitterness towards his father? I find it odd that Leland tells how his father got him on the right path as a youngster. The father Christopher discribes would not be the kind of father Leland talks about. Do I think Dog and Beth are perfect? No. Do i think they try to do the right thing? Yes.
It annoys me when people think Dog is not allowed to pray. God accepts prayers from ALL kinds of people. I think maybe Christopher may need our prayers.
Beth and Dog are always fighting and shouting at one another we can hear them in the wee hours of the morning. Those kids and there are plenty of them are brats. They have dirty foul mouths, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Beth looks like a cheap hooker especially with those cheap plastic nails she gets done for $15 from the illegal Asian ladies. TRASH!
The really big show will be when the Dog arrests himself for drug use and turns-himself in just so he can get a cell with Paris Hilton
Yeah, Elisabeth, go ahead and say it, “They are HAOLE trash of the worst kind.” (But you don’t mean anything by that, do you?) Everyone who has been there knows Hawaiians hate white people, but love anyone (white or not) who gets Hawaii into the mainland press. You can tell by the tone of your statement that you are just a negative, bitter person. Lowered property values? Sheesh. Live and let live.
its like jekkyl and hyde..there is always more than one side to a person. it could be true. i dunno.
Beth looks like a tacky cheap fat porn star and Dog is her nasty pimp. They are white Hawaiian trash of the worst kind. They live down the road from us and they have lowered property values.
Why don’t all of you nominate DOG to be a saint? Come now, even if his son did sell dear ole dad out, don’t you think he would lose it all in a slander suit if it wasn’t true..?
A family friend!
I find this to be funny .. Not in ha ha way but in a” Dang what a joke way”
First Dog has never once hid his past from any one.
I have talked to Beth several times. She is exactly like you see her on TV. do you think for one minute if Dog did drugs and got abusive with her she would take it! Hell No..
Its funny how this paper will only print stories from People who have a beef with Dog.. So if Chris really said this I have to ask…
Did he say it because he thought he would get out of jail and become Leland ( show wise) Did he want money and Daddy refused to just hand it to him.. Or is this something this rag has made up.. Which by the way ,you are noted for…
Why don’t you focus on true stories that help people instead of this trash! You may find you will have more sales!
Bounty hunter-turned-reality TV star Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman was forcibly removed from an aircraft this week over his wife’s behavior towards cabin crew.
The star of Dog The Bounty Hunter caused the United Airlines flight to Denver, Colorado, to be aborted earlier this week (begs07May07), after his wife Beth verbally abused a female flight attendant.
A source tells the National Enquirer, “Dog was sitting in the first-class section with his family, and the plane was getting pushed back from the gate. A flight attendant asked Dog to buckle his seatbelt, but he was asleep.”
According to the source, Chapman’s wife “went ballistic”, causing the captain to turn the plane around and remove the Chapman family from the aircraft, where they were met by six police officers.
Dog was reportedly embarrassed by the incident, “apologizing to everyone involved” after the family was escorted off the plane.
Dog smacking on Beth? Bullshit! He would take a swing at her and she would lay him out on his ass! What’s the matter Chris…Feel the need for a little cut your nose off to spite your face? Not get the attention you felt you deserved so you stoop to this trash level? Is it the crack talking? I think it’s sad and pathetic that you would do something like this no matter what any family situation may or may NOT be. No family is perfect but this is flat out bullshit. What is wrong with you!
It’s SO SO SO obvious that the “son”…who nobody has even heard mentioned on the show, sold out dad for cash…he’s pissed he’s not “in on the action” …meaning the cash … i sure hope The Dog doesn’t lose any sleep over this one … anybody with a brain bigger than a flea will know INSTANTANIOUSLY the story is BOGUS … Chris should be more than ashamed of himself … he’s the worst kind of disgusting pig … and I know this without ever having heard of him … and so will the majority of the world when they read this story … such OBVIOUS bullshit.
It’s SO SO SO obvious that the “son”…who nobody has even heard mentioned on the show, sold out dad for cash…he’s pissed he’s not “in on the action” …meaning the cash … i sure hope The Dog doesn’t lose any sleep over this one … anybody with a brain bigger than a flea will know INSTANTANIOUSLY the story is BOGUS … Chris should be more than ashamed of himself … he’s the worst kind of disgusting pig … and I know this without ever having heard of him … and so will the majority of the world when they read this story … such OBVIOUS bullshit.
Dog fan
Everyone with any lick of sense knows the National Enquirer is not in the business of telling the truth, but selling the sleaze. I haven’t seen the article, wouldn’t give it the time of day, but just wondering if it mentioned that a) Christopher was given up for adoption at birth so he wasn’t raised by Dog or any of his wives after that, much less Beth; b) he didn’t even know Dog was his dad until he was into his 20s; c) do you really think that someone who does crack and works in law enforcement would do EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD to call attention to himself including going after Luster AND getting a reality TV show?!??!?! I’m not saying Dog is the sharpest tool in the shed, but he ain’t that dumb. The whole thing smacks of a money-grubbing wanna-be who tried to weasel some fame out of his dad and was turned down. Anyone who believes that trash is as dumb as Christopher Chapman is! (P.S. And he insinuates that Dog beat Beth up? Anyone who watches the show KNOWS who’s in charge in that marriage — you go, girl!)
Not wearing sunscreen and hanging outdoors allday can give you the Sharpei look too. We shouldn’t be so quick to judge that it’s due to drugs and alcohol.
The NightHunter
Listen up, “Reality Check,” working in law enforcement, I know very well what sort of man Duane Chapman is. And his capture of serial rapist Andrew Luster, and his many good deeds for others are frequently in the news. These are facts!
And if there was any substance to these allegations whatsoever, then we’d have heard about it long before now, and from a much more reliable source than the National Enquirer! (Which you don’t seem to mind defending, by the way, on the same “gossip web site.”)
The fact that you are here trying to defame Dog puts you in the same catagory as the hate mongers and the morons at the Enquirer.
And that catagory is called “Hate mongering losers!”
The NightHunter
Listen up, “Reality Check,” working in law enforcement, I know very well what sort of man Duane Chapman is. And his capture of serial rapist Andrew Luster, and his many good deeds for others are frequently in the news. These are facts!
And if there was any substance to these allegations whatsoever, then we’d have heard about long before now, and from a much more reliable source than the National Enquirer! (Which you don’t seem to mind defending, by the way, on the same “gossip web site.”
The fact that you are here trying to defame Dog puts you in the same catagory as the hate mongers and the morons at the Enquirer.
And that catagory is called “Hate mongering losers!”
Reality Check
I think you all don’t know a thing about who the man really is, except what you see on TV. I can’t believe you’re trashing the Enquirer yet you’re posting comments on a gossip web site. There are plenty of people out there who are kind to people outside the home and evil to the ones who live in it. Get a grip!
Mary Lou
I dont believe everything I read….What Dog and Beth and the others do is a good thing. I think his son is lacking attention and this is why he is doing this.
I dont think Duane would be two faced. He works hard and he does try to send good messages to the losers who do this crap…he has a heart…
This is just fodder for gullible people who will read and believe anything written…and everyone can beleive what they want or what they need to believe.
God bless Dog and his pack!
Nice hair.
I feel sorry for any morons who are gullible enough to believe such lies about a great man like Duane “Dog” Chapman! Dog has greatly contributed to society, not only with his crimefighting efforts, but also his involvement with charities like the Make-A-Wish organization. He has never once refused to meet a sick or dying child or adult!
Dog is a hero and a great inspiration to millions of people who avidly watch his tv show! And he is also a great father and a decent and kind hearted man.
The fact that the Enquirer is known to have lost a number of libel suits in the past should show that they have ZERO credibility! I wouldn’t wrap my garbage in that rag!
I know there are always going to be idiots that will believe anything they see in print, even if it’s written on a bathroom wall! Well, the Enquirer is as close to that as you can get!
They obviously have it out for the Dog and his family, if one can judge by the number of times they’ve printed total, outright lies about him.
Who owns that the Enquirer anyway, Andrew Luster?
I feel sorry for any morons who are gullible enough to believe such lies about a great man like Duane “Dog” Chapman! Dog has greatly contributed to society, not only with his crimefighting efforts, but also his involvement with charities like the Make-A-Wish organization. He has never once refused to meet a sick or dying child or adult!
Dog is a hero and a great inspiration to millions of people who avidly watch his tv show! And he is also a great father and a decent and kind hearted man.
The fact that the Enquirer is known to have lost a number of libel suits in the past should show that they have ZERO credibility! I wouldn’t wrap my garbage in that rag!
I know there are always going to be idiots that will believe anything they see in print, even if it’s written on a bathroom wall! Well, the Enquirer is as close to that as you can get!
They obviously have it out for the Dog and his family, if one can judge by the number of times they’ve printed total, outright lies about him.
Who owns that the Enquirer anyway, Andrew Luster?
If you beleive what the National Enquirer print then you are truly a fucking idiot. Its a trash rag printed to monger gossip faster than wildfire, and does indeed serve its purpose on those people out there born without a mind of their own to form an informed, intelligent opinion just like that of its journalists! I wouldnt even use this paper to wipe my ass!
Anyone who believes anything in the Enquirer is not living in the real world. How many times has this trash tabloid been sued for printing false stories? I rest my case. I hope Dog and his family come after you with a huge lawsuit.
I can’t believe that even the National Enquirer would publish such trash. you really have it in for that family, don’t you? not too long ago, you were distorting an incident involving Beth on an airplane.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the only real use for your rag is as bird cage liner. you should be ashamed.
I can’t believe that even the National Enquirer would publish such trash. you really have it in for that family, don’t you? not too long ago, you were distorting an incident involving Beth on an airplane.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the only real use for your rag is as bird cage liner. you should be ashamed.
Karen Plumley
Im in DC, too Wendy-I live and work here!
With all due respect a cracked and weathered face, can mean a hard life-
not always drugs-just the stress alone, of being arrested and waiting for an answer to extradition can do that!
Smoking cigarettes can do that-I never took a drug in my life but smoked for 40 years,just stopped August,2006-
I’m over 60 and I look every minute of it.
Karen Plumley
I believe it. One look at his face and you can tell he’s still into some hard livin’. I don’t blame his son for going to the Enquirer at all. You reap what you sow, Dog.
Karen Plumley
You at The National Enquirer
make me laugh-you tried this once before with Duanes’ ex-wife-Don’t you ever learn?
They all want money and their 15 minutes-You all fall for it.
What fools. No one believes it.
God Bless Duane Chapman.
God Help this child,(at 34)
Who has not learned to live life,or Love God.
Karen Plumley
Karen Plumley
You at The National Enquirer
make me laugh-you tried this once before with Duanes’ ex-wife-Don’t you ever learn?
They all want money and their 15 minutes-You all fall for it.
What fools. No one believes it.
God Bless Duane Chapman.
God Help this child,(at 34)
Who has not learned to live life,or Love God.
Karen Plumley
agree w/8:56
the eldest son is in his 30’s, the youngest kids on the show help out…
hasn’t Dog talked about his crazy past?
selling out your father is pretty low, esp to the National Enq. AT LEAST go to E! or US Weekly! LOL. they all prob don’t give a damn
Now he’s the anti christ because his disgruntled puke of a kid says so?
Wayne Geddes Pland
If you had to sleep with his horrid looking wife you would do drugs too.
The son probably wanted money from Dog and didn’t get it, so now he’s sold a sordid story to the tabloids to make a quick buck.
You’d be too afraid to what Janet, smoke crack and do crystal meth or be Black and gay?
Oh my god I will never watch that show again. What a liar beth and dog are. White redneck trash!
I am shocked that you posted this load of bullshit.
I am shocked that you posted this load of bullshit.
Dog had something like 13 kids via a variety of women. Don’t you think that maybe one or two would have serious problems because he wasn’t a steady presence in their lives?
(By the way Janet, you have a grammatical error in the last sentence of this story.)