Dog “The Bounty Hunter” Chapman’s son has spilled the beans on his father to The National Enquirer and it isn’t pretty. Dog’s oldest son Christopher, 34, says “The Dog that people see on TV is nothing like he is in real life. He’s a monster – a violent, racist tyrant who smokes crack.” Chris goes on to say that his father introduced him to smoking crack and eventually crystal meth. He says “It turns my stomach to see him lecture people on not using drugs when he’s the biggest drug user I ever saw. When he woke up after a crack binge he’d get violent with Beth and me and the other kids. The violence in that house was incredible – like a hillbilly trailer park.” Chris also claims his father is a bigot who hates blacks and gays. Frankly, if we were Chris, we’d be too scared of Dog to say any of those things.
Why would this stupid thread deserve 70 comments?
What a pair.Crack head dog and disgusting fat beth
Keep on writing, great job!
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Who are you to judge? You cannot tell me that there is not one person that has never made at least one racial slur in his/her life. In fact, over half of the people that have posted their opinion on this website have used racial remarks such as white trash and ice head. You are doing the exact same thing that you are putting Dog down for. What’s the difference?
Everytime I see “Dog”, the racist Bounty Hunter, I just want to pull out my high powered pressure washer and give his dirty ass a bath. Instead of blurting out the “N” word, she should be screaming for some damned soap and a brillo pad. I cringe every time I see that garbage.
This guy is YUCK in every meaning of the word!
It’s amazing to me how quickly many are to grant a ‘pass’ for such unblanketed racism, simply because his son (who has been dating this black woman for the past several yrs, and yet he’s never met her) ratted his father out. Just because his son sold the conversation to a tabloid does not dismiss or turn a blind eye to his fathers racial slurs. Personally, I don’t know why he apologized…he was just staying true to himself in a private conversation with his son. The only reason for the apology is as stated in his conversation, “His career and everything he worked for over the past 30 yrs would be over”…he got caught. No matter how you dress it up or strip it down…it is what it is and he is who is…a RACIST HYPOCRITE with a no heart… He should stand up, Man up, and Own up to what he was so passionate about to his son with the world.
Simply Truth
I have sat here and read all the comments on this page. I am not a huge fan of “Dog the Bounty Hunter” show. However, none of us were there during the conversation between Duane and Chris so none of us know what was said or in what context. So what if Dog does not defend himself. Who cares! So Chris did not like what Dog may have said. How many times have your parents said something that pissed you off? Obviously we have all done or said things we later regret….except for maybe Elizabeth…who can’t decide if she lives down the street from Dog and Beth or just next door. I guess she is better than everyone else and never argues with her husband if she even has one. That would be a first in this world. Instead of attacking people she does not know based on their personal opinions, maybe she should dress up like Beth and go get laid. Maybe then you might not sound like such an angry, pathetic person. I wonder, have you ever heard the saying, Don’t judge a book by it’s cover? If we were to judge you by your cover….you would be stoned to death and we would let Peg throw the first stone. Based on your comments, sounds to me like you are the HAWAIIAN TRASH!
andrew king of the universe
Sit your ass down you one tooth meth faced crack hooker! hahahahahahaha funny
Sit your ass down you one tooth meth faced crack hooker!
I think people should mind there own business. We all have skeletons in our closets. Beth and Dog have plenty but they admit that. It is a shame his son is so bitter that he has to speak with the national enquirer. I am sure we have all made a few slips in our lifetime.
I think people should mind there own business. We all have skeletons in our closets. Beth and Dog have plenty but they admit that. It is a shame his son is so bitter that he has to speak with the national enquirer. I am sure we have all made a few slips in our lifetime.
I think people should mind there own business. We all have skeletons in our closets. Beth and Dog have plenty but they admit that. It is a shame his son is so bitter that he has to speak with the national enquirer. I am sure we have all made a few slips in our lifetime.
Hmmmmmm he is 34, dad used smoke crack and beat beth?! Surely when this son was a kid, or even a teen, or even in 20’s Beth wasn’t on the scene then.What a scumbag liar to do that to his own father.A private coversation should remain private, no matter what its content is.Shame on everyone for tricking the man into such a conversation in the first place.
So what do you say now that it is apparent that Dog is a Racist??
He is smart enough not add more bs to the bs-blog.
Very witty, Matt…hehehe, not to say I agree, but i appreciate your play on words/pun anyway…:)
On The Fence
If Dog is innocent and his son Chris is full of bs then why doesn’t he defend himself? This is the third bad enquirer story and there is no response from the Chapmans. Makes you wonder if it’s true.
Come on Dog your fans are waiting to hear your side.
Don’t think Beth ought to be chanting “la li la li icehead” anymore since Dog is a crackhead and Beth smokes dope herself. These people are such hypocrits.
That Chapmans need to start telling the truth and admitting they both have drug problems and GET HELP!