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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#sofiavergara #janetcharlton

Sofia Vergara is done up pretty convincingly as Lucille Ball in this photo she posted online, but the question is WHY? This is obviously a professional makeover – Sofia didn’t do it in her bathroom at home, and there is considerable attention to detail. Is she made up for a dream sequence on Modern Family? A costume party? Or is Sofia trying to show another side of her personality to casting directors? It IS, after all, getting her a lot of attention!

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  1. bongo

    If she is not careful her face is going to freeze like that!

  2. sandy rose

    She looks like Lucy – but sounds like Desi.

  3. mish mash

    What color is that face? It looks like hepatitis yellow. Plus, that slashed mouth is grotesque. Poor Lucy must be spinning.

  4. Kitty

    I’m sick of seeing this stupid woman and her exaggerated accent everywhere.

  5. Strom

    It’s a Sofia idea of Lucy, just like the Sofia idea of class or serious style or beauty is also mangled.

  6. Dragonfly

    It is freaky looking, especially her neck!

  7. Kitty

    Indy, I wonder the same thing. And I agree with everybody else-it’s freaky looking.

  8. Mrs. Honria Pilkinghorne

    She looks insane

  9. Patty

    That is a bad image. Makes Lucy look like a monster.

  10. Denise

    No, just no.

  11. Colin

    If Lucille Ball had starved herself that would have been a good picture.

  12. baja

    good god: WHAT IS THIS FOR A TRANNY?

  13. Christine India

    Wonder what Lucy’s kids think of that horrid freak face. It’s downright scary and looks like an escapee from the mental ward. 🙁

  14. Nance

    She looks mentally challenged.

  15. Kitty

    She doesn’t look anything like her.