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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



And they say passengers don’t dress up for airplane flights like they used to! Snoop Dogg doesn’t mind being noticed in his jaunty attire as he rushes to catch a flight at LAX . We especially love the scarf bandanna tied on his head. If any fans get too carried away, Snoop has a burly friend right beside him. Snoop has a history of being “detained” at airports for having various contraband in his luggage, but apparently he has learned how to pack sensibly.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    Every unemployed ghetto cruzer wants to be just like him!

  2. allan

    what a piece of shit

  3. Philberto Cardenez

    The dream of every criminal in America is to emulate this Man.

  4. Kitty


  5. mister baja

    agree, kill Peta this time Snoop!!

  6. namers

    Mr. T meets Liberace.

  7. John

    Fur is cruelty. He was revolting before and now he’s even more revolting.