We usually love TMZ, but no way can we avoid taking them to task for a truly revolting and sexist “gossip” story they concocted. It’s called “Guess The Celebrity Stretch Marks.” Close-ups of various women’s thighs, butts, and other body parts are provided for readers’ amusement. Talk about haters. Harvey, does someone over there HATE women? Of course, TMZ has never insulted MALE celebrities with “Guess the Celebrity Love Handles.” This photo set-up is not news – at best, it’s just downright cruel and mean spirited – at worst it’s clearly misogynistic. And it’s not okay.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
They should just show the celebrity men that have stretch marks on them. They have them too.
This from the woman who trashes other women on a weekly basis for their looks, makeup or clothing?
What a sick joke you are Janet!
Harvey’s stretch marks are on his bum hole.
LOL!! I could identify Chrissy Teigen’s! She posted them herself!
Yes but TMZ has had success that JCH can only hope for!
Gemma St. Ivens
Harvey is filthy rich. He could care less what Janet thinks. He’s like “Janet who….?”
Harvey is pretty much out of the closet, and is clearly one of those gays who doesn’t like women. Wonder what kind of relationship he had with his mother? And you’re right, Janet: it’s not okay. But since he doesn’t have a daughter, or a granddaughter, I’ll give him a pass for ignorance. He doesn’t “get” how this sort of “news” can be truly hurtful. He simply doesn’t understand…and the world he is in probably makes fun of stretch marks. Very sad.
Jane schott
TMZ are bottom feeders.
Note to JANET;
Janet, would you consider doing an article on the latest craze, which are Robert Herjavec and Kym Johnson of DWTS. Such as, are they shacking up, engaged, is this just a PR deal, is she just money-hungry, lust, love, whatever. You would surely get lots of hits. Thanks
In regard to Harvey Levin and TMZ….they ain’t gonna change
Hey Harvey, let’s do a segment on Celebrity tiny dicks!