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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It went down so fast you might not have noticed, but Mischa Barton and Cisco Adler called it quits again – and just as suddenly kissed and made up. Here’s what happened: Contrary to popular belief, Mischa was absolutely THROWN when her character was killed off on The O.C. Suddenly she felt insecure and disconnected and worried about the future. She turned to her boyfriend Cisco for solace and informed him that an engagement ring would make her feel a LOT better.Cisco has had this ultimatum pressure from her before and he doesn’t like it. He IS crazy about her but he’s also confident she’ll wait until he’s ready to commit. Mischa stormed off in a snit and Cisco didn’t give in – he just settled back to wait until SHE returned. Mischa hates being alone and she started calling Cisco’s dad Lou Adler for love advice. Lou likes Mischa and tried to reason with her, but soon realized both she and Cisco like to “play games” and he’d better not get involved. Cisco was right – Mischa gave in and they’re hot n’ heavy all over again.

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  1. jarkurmaniaczek

    36w diamond lampa

  2. fred

    mischa barton should just date ben mckenzie she knows she wants too and josh scwartz is an idiot killing her of that is why o.c got cancelled it lost viewers when she died and whoever says anything bad about mischa is just jealous of her so back off!

  3. Anonymous

    CISCO has been with alot of women and men too must i say more girls

  4. Anonymous

    She is beautiful but very dumb and has a very low sense of self esteem to go out with first a drug addict and now an ugly tatooed struggling rocker. I guess she is too insecure to date any man who might be normal and actually earning a decent living.

  5. Anonymous

    Actually I like these two together.

  6. Anonymous

    Cisco looks like his name should be Crisco. He’s grotesque. Too ugly to live.

  7. Anonymous


  8. Miranda

    I wish she would get rid of Cisco Adler ASAP. His father allegedly treated Peggy Lipton horrendously without going into detail here about any allegedly black and blue marks and acorns don’t fall far from the tree. She was better off with Brandon. Run Mischa!! I believe she was surprised at the loss of her job because how is she going to keep up her $7M dollar mansion. I think the tv program was paying for it.

  9. Anonymous

    She was better with the drug addict. This guy is gross and a looooser.

  10. mel

    love is sooooooooooo blind, Sisco needs to climb back up into that ugly tree.

  11. Anonymous

    Mischa Barton is a no-talent idiot. All she does is hitch her star to someone else’s so she can be in the papers all the time. I cannot believe the amount of space she gets in the tabloids! The more rich the guys are and she is right there–all the time.