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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Can’t help but wonder what Brad Pitt thinks about the metamorphosis of his daughter Shiloh. When he and Angelina were together, they were very accepting of Shiloh’s desire to wear boys clothing and they even called her by a boys name when she insisted. During the past year, Shiloh turned 15, got the braces off her teeth, and started growing out her short boyish haircut. But she was NEVER seen in a dress. UNTIL, that is, Angelina started promoting her new film Eternals on red carpets everywhere. Shiloh has been by her side, dressing up a little more each time, and shyly enjoying the attention. She looks just like her heartthrob dad and has gradually started experimenting with makeup and hairstyles. With her looks, she could easily become a model or actress…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. JJ

    It’s revolting how the corporate media portrayed/targeted her because she wanted to wear pants or certain clothes. She is a child and kids should be allowed to be kids and wear what they want. The insanity of the corporatized rainbow mob was trying to publicly force her into their misogynistic gender identity stereotyping, good for Angie for just allowing her daughter to be who she is.

  2. CoCoJoe

    She looks more like mum, especially the eyes.

  3. Light Brigade

    She is a pretty girl. But her mother is nothing but skin stretched over bones. She’s just ghastly looking. Ack!