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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


He may have a history of behavioral problems with police in alcohol–fueled situations, but Shia LaBeouf , 32, remains a smooth operator where women are concerned. He turned up at Kanye West’s Sunday gospel “service” in Calabasas with another attractive female. Shia has been seeing Rob Pattinson’s ex-girlfriend, singer FKA Twigs, since they finished filming Honey Boy together last year. Shia wrote the script for Honey Boy as a form of therapy – it’s about his own chaotic childhood, and he plays a rather unpleasant version of his own father in the movie, which is now available on Amazon.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. kait

    Shia continues to fascinate gold diggers. Amazing.

  2. becca

    Absolutely absurd! LaBeouf ripped into Spielberg after making that Indiana Jones movie. Plus he looks nothing like him & his mother was never near Spielberg when he was conceived.

    The sole talentless clown is Chris To!

  3. ChrisTo

    His biological father is purported to be Spielberg . That would explain how this talentless clown gets any gig he wants