Joan Collins loves the 80’s revival in fashion – these poofy shoulders are something Dynasty’s Alexis Carrington would have adored. We hear that Joan is eager to be back on TV and she’s hustling to sell a series about two aging actors (her and Robert Wagner to be exact ) who run a hotel in Hollywood and give advice to young actors starting out. With those shoulders she’s bound to talk someone into producing it.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Casonia...Who is going to Win Hells Kitchen? Hope it is not Elisa and hope Paul really rocks it out and Jennifer was not his type from the start and when a man is flirting with other woman his desire was never there to start off with! Tommy speak up dear!
WHY DON’T YOU RE-RELEASE THOSE SOFT CORE MOVIES YOU MADE IN THE 70s and 80s again and…woman you are going to work yourself to death.
Casonia..Hells kitchen!Jennifer never lost one single pound in that place and she started to crumble and not pay attention to detail and was more silent then Tommy and I think Tommy is real cute and glad he is still there.. Who is going to Win? Hope it is
This woman is going to work until she drops to death and…She loves to move and grove and still look good.
Casonia Logenberry..Hells kitchen..Tommy Honey speak up and talk and take charge..I want you to stay on the show! Jennifer stop screwing up and double check your food first and Will keep your eye on the prize and don't let Drama get in your way and Pauly
You are so Rich and of course to keep up your life style you have to keep the money coming in and…I know you will find away to live your life great and you have massive secrets and…Of course you can act your ass off. Good luck with the come back and hope you make a movie..Where your swearing and not being a lady for once.!
Casonia Logenberry..I would turn Hells kitchen out and those other people would lose and..I Would Win and Blow the other people out of the water and would kill them with kindness
Joan Collins don’t you have enough money and of course your a lady on the ball..going many directions and planning even more down the road and you dress to kill and want to keep working until you hit what age? Work is in your blood and you love to bust your ass..Well go girl!
Jeanne Dixon
Reta’s Rainbow, thanks. I am staying for a while anyway. I will always post as SebastianCanada.
Something Nice(r), LOL!!!
Saw Joan on Rules of Engagement last night, playing David Spade’s mother. Very tongue-in-cheek. Props to Joan.
Something Nicer
Well, hello LIZ HURLEY, circa 2018.
Something Nice
Joan’s excellent posture is due to all the years she walked around with a mattress strapped to her back. 🙂
You know, it seems like those British Open sisters (ha, Mona, that was a good one) did kinda blaze their own path through America via Hollywood, did they not? So, ya could say, they are kinda like sister Hollywood duos to come: Ashley and Jessica; the Olsen twins, for example. Using that comparison, I choose the old shanks here, because, did either of the Collins sisters ever have children? I don’t know, but my memory says neither did. So, what damage did their drugs, sex, rock and roll lifestyle really do but expose our own funny flaws. I’ve come full circle, time to gossip again. Carry on.
Reta's Rainbow
[Yes, I am considering taking my wares elsewhere…but would miss you Sebastian, you seem to be the only regular with true wit…so hard to come by in this day and age. But stoopud is stoopud and this place in here gets harder to visit when no progress is ever made…I’m outa here babe! It’s been nice!]
And I’ll hold you to those words. Or are you just gonna start back posting under another name?
Sings: Butterflies in the sky, Reta is twice as high, Take a look she’s a kook, Reta’s Rainbow, Reta’s Rainboooooooow, Reta’s Rainboooooow””
ita patrick. reta, you are old and boring.
Don’t let the door slap ya on your fat bum, Rita.
Monah Garrett
Jackie most likely based her execrable Hollywood books—with their awful one-word titles like “Clitoris” and “Testicle,” on sister Joan’s exploits.