The arrest of the former lead singer of the Village People, Victor Willis, (the cop) brings to mind a story that might NOT amuse his exwife Phylicia Rashad. In 1980, Willis’s drug use apparently caused him to split with the successful group AND his wife Phylicia. (We bet she’d like to forget THAT period of her life.) Phylicia went on to star on The Cosby Show and drug addled Victor became a fixture on the streets of San Francisco . One day in the early 90’s a friend of ours was walking on Haight and Fillmore and encountered Willis with a blanket on the sidewalk, hawking women’s clothing. There were shoes, boots, lingerie, and assorted sweaters etc. “Fifty cents apiece!” he yelled “These are Phylicia Rashad’s clothes – I used to be married to her! And there’s more where this came from!” Our friend bought a slip, and we wonder -what would Claire Huxtable have thought of this?
That’s just sick talk about Victor. First of all, the guy is a millionare. He wrote all of the Village People hits like Macho Man, Y.M.C.A., In the Navy, etc., and according to BMI and Universal Music, he still to this day receives hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in royalties. Yes, he has a drug problem, but I assure you he’s never had the need to hock clothes on the side walks of San Francisco. It’s a shame the way rumors spread on black celebrities and so many people are willing to add to it without checking the facts. And there are people here claiming to know him, simply because they know he’s originally from the San Francisco bay area. Victor Willis is a very wealthly black recording star with a serious drug problem, but that does not make his a homeless crack head on the streets of San Francisco attempting his sell his former wife’s clothes. Shame on you people!
P.S., when Victor was married to Ms Rashad, they were both on drugs and she knows it. Ms Rashad, just happened to have got her break in the entertainment industry as the wife of Victor Willis. How do you think she got introduced to all the Hollywood types? Well, through Victor Willis that’s who!
Art Chic
Yes Victor is a prick, I know him from the Haight/Fillmore (I live in San Francisco).
He’s a louse, a sleazy crackhead misogynist prone to verbally abusing females on the street. Yeh he sells clothes on the sidewalk like all the rest of the Frisco freaks.
Scottina Sue
OOps….forgot an appearance by Steve Guttenberg (dig up something on him, Janet….! or a current pic – – loved him in “P.S. Your Cat Is Dead”.
Scottina Sue
OOps….forgot an appearance by Steve Guttenberg (dig up something on him, Janet….! or a current pic – – loved him in “P.S. Your Cat Is Dead”.
“Can’t Stop the Music” party at 9th Avenue Bistro. A showing of the DVD of the film starring The Village People, Tammy Grimes, Valerie Perrine, Bruce Jenner, Altovise Davis and more. All Village People and disco hits all night. Village People trivia contest.
TRIVIA: The first (and best) Village People album had none of the members of the group on the cover. The photo was just a random bunch of male models posing on West Street.
I think that is because the producers hadn’t even chosen the guys who would be The Village People yet.
I can’t believe that hausfrau of an overrated actress Phylicia Rashad was ever hip enough to do drugs or be married to The Village People. She’s such a bore.
Didn’t that guy die a few years ago? One of them did, oh no, it was the leather man.
Old news. BORING
If the story that I read several years ago has any truth to it, Phylicia wasn’t drug-free during that marriage either.
It is evident that you don’t have any current information to write about! It happened in the 1990’s!! Get over it!!
Elke Sommers
He stole outfits from me and sold them too!
Don’t worry Phylicia we all have someone in our lives we would like to forget.
Who knew P.R. was married to a Village Person? That’s gotta be a story!