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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
We have nothing against Shanna Moakler, but something about her does give us the willies. It’s those long fingernails. We hated superlong nails decades ago when Cher wore them, and still find them creepy. Maybe in the distant past, long nails were the symbol of a pampered lady who doesn’t work – literally doesn’t have to lift a finger. Somehow, looking like a person who can’t even push an elevator button doesn’t appeal to us.

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  1. Anonymous

    how did this common house maid make it to the salon on her wages.

  2. Snottyboy

    IF she moped a floor, maybe she’d be a decent homemaker but she’d still be a worthless cow. The only thing she mops off the floor is the coke that got accidentally blown off the table when she sneezes.

  3. Anonymous


  4. Anonymous

    So if she mops a floor and washes dishes she’s a wonderful woman again?

  5. Kait

    Nails like that are a sure sign of cheap white trash. The overplucked brows are also a favorite of the trailer park gang, as is the slut-approved wardrobe.

  6. gerard Vandenberg

    Please Americans, don’t act naive. Only look at her fingernails, that says it all!! She won’t work or keep he house neat and tidy. She just want to flicker at shopping and meet, greet and eat all day with “friends”. She thinks she LOOOVES the celeb-status, so now she will act like one. This woman is an absolute ZERO!!

  7. Spacelamb

    Agreed Janet! Nails that long are just plain creepy. Like Freddy Krueger, ugh.

  8. Anonymous


  9. Anonymous

    Those finger nails are perfect to scoop up all that COKE she does every night! She looks busted!

  10. Anonymous

    I guess she doesn’t have to do anything, on the Barker reality show she slept all dayyyyy.

  11. Anonymous

    she is not that cute

  12. Margo Channing

    She doesn’t look “pampered.”
    She belongs in Pampers, like evry load of sh!t out there!