Little does Ellen Degeneres know that her guest “Modern Family” star Sofia Vergara will soon be a competitor, of sorts. Colombian born Sofia joked to Ellen that sometimes her accent is so thick that SHE can’t understand what she’s saying, but that won’t stop her from getting her own talk show. The Spanish mega-network Univision has offered Sofia a tempting deal and they’re developing a talk show for her – we’re guessing it will be in Spanish, but anything can happen. Naturally Sofia is thrilled. No wonder she’s shopping for a big house.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Previous is not my post. Has anyone noticed that so many lesbians have very flat asses. Ellen is a prime example.
Desi Arnez was a wife beater…I guess that’s right up your alley!
No way she makes it on American tv…maybe Spanish…its like these Jap and Phillipine female singers who are famous and are coming to take over the USA…one look and sound and you see they cant make it past the line at the local Chinese buffet.
………..just lick & love, my girls!!!!!
Sebastian, I agree with your Charo comment, but have you ever noticed she STILL is next to impossible to understand after all of these years?! I think her career could have gone much farther if people could have understood her. By the way, her guitar playing is brilliant and stunning to watch, and she still has a pretty hot figure for someone (I think) in their 70’s.
PS… LOVED Ricky Ricardo/Desi Arnez, one of my first awarenesses of the opposite sex!
Lenny, she is a boobilicious post post modern version of Ricky Ricardo. Maybe this could be her talkshow catchphrase: You have ladda splainin’ to dooo!
I agree that her accent is way too strong and it over powers when she just having a normal conversation. She is hot as hell though.
I gotta admit she IS sexy and all natural…but the accent is too strong. I think she should work on it with a speech/voice coach. I also think if she does this she may be damaging her future as a real movie star now that people have discovered her and like her. She could have Catherine Zeta-Jones’ spot in the “hot brunette foriener” catagory.
Sofia is a smart 21st century version of Charo. She is endearing and charming. I can’t wait to see what the talk show looks like.
I like people who can laugh at their own ‘disabilities’. Sofia has balls, remember when she bashed Madonna for messing her face with a knife? This girl is good.
Wonder if Ellen tried to get Sofia’s legs apart after the show? Maybe she makes it on Univision but no way on regular tv….I think her supporter owns Univision.
If we wait long enough, EVERYBODY will have their own talk show for a little while at least. Get the eff in line!