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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



We couldn’t believe how Kim Kardashian dresses to go shopping in London. She’s wearing an extremely tight low cut black cocktail dress and stilettos. By chance she bumped into Serena Williams who was also shopping. Serena chose a sportier – and more functional- daytime look. The two hugged and reminisced while they attracted a crowd, many of whom were amazed by Kim’s bottom. Is she giving Americans a bad name?

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    Ghetto trash for certain. Poor Angelo, Frank, and the Heel Napper, so worried about Strom, but always ready to do a grab test to see if Serena is really a women, and hoping she isn’t!

    Why no steroid tests for Serena?

  2. Strom

    Angelo, the Heel Napper, and the Pied Piper will have a fight over who does the grab test to see if Serena is really a she…they hope she is a HE!

  3. Strom

    This picture drives the Heel Napper and the Pied Piper wild, but it is the true disgrace in America when people praise and pay for junk that makes them rich!

  4. Strom

    Two examples of ghetto trash…..not certain Serena is even a woman.

    More importantly:

    The Pied PIPER & Heel Napper must be running for Homeowners Association Hall Monitor as they get so worked up worrying about Strom!

    Today HOA, tomorrow the Senate, then the World?

  5. Strom

    Ha Ha poor Angelo, Frank, and the Heel Napper, so worried about Strom, but always ready to do a grab test to see if Serena is really a women, and hoping she isn’t!

  6. Strom

    Poor Angelo and the Heel Napper, so worried about Strom, but always ready to do a grab test to see if Serena is really a women, and hoping she isn’t!

  7. Strom

    Poor little Heel Napper, so worried about Strom, but always ready to do a grab test to see if Serena is really a women, and hoping she isn’t!

  8. Strom

    The Pied PIPER & Heel Napper must be running for Homeowners Association Seargent at Arms as they get so worked up worrying about Strom!

    Today HOA, tomorrow the Senate, then the World?

  9. Hank

    I remember when Serena’s ass was considered big. Kim looks like a freak.

  10. Heel Napper

    strom is most guilty of gross confabulation. drink much? Yeah, mucho.

  11. Strom

    Poor little Sharona….so worried about Strom but unable to comment on a thread…pathetic!

  12. Strom

    it makes up stories about Strom.

    1. Never do I post under another name
    2. If anyone wants to post on past or current events they can do so…if not well well.
    3. The Heel Napper does post under many little names

  13. Heel Napper

    To Everyone: (except strom) on the left side bar are the names of the latest posts.
    Just yesterday all the posts were by strom on a subject not current.
    strom is so desperate that he posted on a year old subject with his various psuedonyms. That is truly desperate and pathetic.

  14. Sharona Dallas 40

    this is your public Janet, pathetic.

  15. JoeyR

    You can show GONE WITH THE WIND ON HER ASS!!!

  16. Strom

    Poor Sharona…..please advise of anything inaccurate?

  17. Sharona Dallas 40

    Janet, why don’t you ban Strom ? His comments are chronically offensive !

    do you, by publishing the racist comments, tacitly support his racism ?

  18. Heel Napper

    Pied Piper keep posting-it was most likely a computer glitch.

  19. Strom

    allan nailed it! The Pied Piper fouled!

  20. allan

    that ass is so large it should have a zip code how does anyone find that attractive she should be in a museum of freaks

  21. anonTWO

    strom has been posting here for years,
    his comments are offensive and never removed.

    only the rebuttals to his hateful words are removed (censored).


  22. The Pied Piper

    And Strom is the template for, “class”?
    By who’s standard is that Ms. Charlton?
    Are you trying to pull the wool{hood}over everyones eyes?

  23. just a vet from Fort Mead

    race mingler ???

    you are disgusting Strom, and if Janet had any credibility at all, she’d ban your pathetic, creepy ass

  24. anonTWO

    it is strange the pied pipers message was removed but stroms hate filled messages are uncensored.

  25. Heel Napper

    Wondering why the Pied Piper’s post disappeared.

  26. Palermo

    When your butt is five times the size of SERENA WILLIAMS, you have serious issues

  27. Alex

    Ban Strom, rude, crude and lonely

  28. mister baja

    they both have different ideas of ‘Balls’.

  29. missyco

    How does she wipe that thing?

  30. anonTWO

    lol@ the pied piper

  31. nope

    and by the way, KK was an exceptionally attractive (albeit completely unaccomplished) young woman until she began her cosmetic surgery procedures.

    she is just not as cute as she was before all that hideous work.

  32. nope

    one is all natural and the other has a Styrofoam booty.

    the Styrofoam ass looks ridiculous.

  33. Strom

    I take issue. There’s 51 states, and several protectorates.

  34. Shianne

    Kim’s shape must look clownish in person. She looks so short and that thing hanging off the back of her…..

  35. Wilson

    Is that a regular camera lense or wide angle?

    I hope Europe and the rest of the world realize that KK doesn’t represent us in any way, shape or form.

  36. Fatso

    There are only 50 states.

  37. Nicely Done

    I must say Kim actually makes Serena seem small in body size. I hear the French are quite racist and only like blacks who play jazz like Quincy Jones and the late great Miles Davis…otherwise they are like the old South

  38. Strom

    Serena may be a tranny and should be drug and gender tested each week. She is an extreme racist as there is in sports. The French call her the “Black Gorilla”

  39. ah-yuck

    At least Serena has talent, unlike the cattle dressed in black.

  40. xyzc

    Two mutants meet, how sweet!

  41. namers

    That’s the baby back there.