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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Selma Blair is taking a firm stance against hair extensions by chopping off her long locks in favor of this assymetrical punk cut. We admire her courage. Said she “really missed having short hair.” Selma, who was married to Ahmet Zappa, grew weary of the cookie cutter beauty standards in Hollywood and she went to hairdresser Garren and asked for a “skate-punk haircut.” She absolutely LOVES the brave new look and feels very comfortable with it. Her reps weren’t so thrilled, however. Selma dismissed concerns and intends to wear wigs for future projects, when necessary.

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  1. Blah Blah

    Wow, so many of you people are freaks. Ooh, a woman gets a short hair cut – and she’s from your home town?!?!?!?! You should probably panic.

  2. Anonymous

    I love it!!!!!!!!! you go girl!!!! She’s what I call having a personality…most women are too afraid of being different and she’s not.. she clearly knows who she is and what she likes and dislikes.. I love it..

  3. Anonymous

    I had an 80’s assymetrical haircut and even then this one would have been BAAAAAAAD!

  4. hiphopanonnymous

    ignorant poo heads, short hair doesn’t equate to being a lesbian.
    i think she looks hot hot hot

  5. Cameron

    Wouldn’t it be great if the person leaving mean posts about Janet had the courage to attach their name to their messages? Instead they leave them as “Anonymous”. How cowardly of the poster.

  6. Cameron

    It’s certainly a brave new look, but I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone.
    Selma Blair is a good actress and I can see how she could tire of being compared beauty wise by Hollywood. I suppose a few years of being judged by everyone would make you do something a bit crazy like getting this hair cut.
    The good thing is, hair grows back so pretty soon this hair cut will be old news. Short or long hair, Blair is very attractive.

  7. Ishouldntbedoingthis

    It’s really kind of . . . horrible.

  8. Anonymous

    Is she gay? I’m sorry but I have always wondered about her sexuality and now the haircut….
    And to think she is from hometown! Now she is walking around looking as if someone grabbed her and scalped her…

  9. Anonymous

    I bet you looked fabulous Judy, Judy, Judy.

  10. Judy Jew

    Oh my she looks a bit dykey.Did she mean to look like this?I think she was on the drugs and did this in a moment.You know i once got a perm on 2 glasses of wine,didnt look so hot.

  11. Anonymous

    she got a dykeier version of Joan Jett’s hair style!!
    Why would she do this?

  12. Anonymous

    I was hoping that haircut was for “Hellboy 2”. Is she still dating Johnny Messner?

  13. Patrick

    That’s mean! You get a hug.

  14. Hedda Bopper

    Did she get Jerri Jewl from The Facts of Life to cut her hair?…….Oye Vey.

  15. Patrick

    That girl is HOT!!

  16. Jen

    i love her as an actress and i think she’s hot with long or short hair.

  17. Anonymous

    i thought this girl cut her hair for a movie project?
    ugly girls hide behind their hair. most chicks can’t pull off short hair.

  18. Anonymous

    Rosie had the same cut years ago. Is she a carpet muncher?

  19. Anonymous

    who cares about anybody’s haircut? Not me. Blah.

  20. Anonymous