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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Sean Stewart has apparently forgotten his manners altogether as he waits to cross the street to have lunch at La Scala in Beverly Hills. He’s chatting with a female friend and obliviously scratching his crotch at the same time. Even in his wildest days, his father Rod Stewart had good manners. Rehab wasn’t enough – Sean needs charm school too.

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  1. Sylvia

    This guys is a douche hehehe. What an idiot no respect at all.

  2. Anonymous

    That’s what he’s wearing for lunch at La Scala? I hope they don’t let him in. When I’m eating there, I don’t want to be sitting next to a guy who looks like he’s there to mop the floor.

  3. Anonymous

    Ugh, straight people spreading their diseases everywhere. HPV, HIV, crabs, VD. They are all passing that around in the straight world.

  4. strom

    Looks like a reinactment of some of J Lo’s ghetto trash friends and actions.

  5. Grandpa Simpson rolls himself back inside for a nap.

    I saw the cell phone in his hand and suddenly felt old. Remember back in the day when you had to use public pay phones to call your dealer?

  6. anonymous

    I think he’s a slow learner, not as sharp as
    his siblings.

  7. Anonymous

    And this is one of Rod’s many “kids” who still lives at home.

  8. Anonymous

    Ouch.. no underwear zipper spark! Beware of static connections.. I can happen to you too~

  9. Anonymous

    She asked him for directions and he’s using his patented balls indicator for the accurate northly intersection.

  10. Simon Cowbell

    If that is lezzie Scuzman, let’s hope she runs that turd Sean over with her SUV. I hear she’s good at that.

  11. seriously

    is that lizzie grubman he’s speaking to? if so, it’s not like he’s in classy enough company to care that he’s crotch scratching…nasty the both of them.

  12. Rod Stewart

    Did it ever cross your mind that maybe he’s scratching because she GAVE HIM SOMETHING to scratch about?

  13. gerard Vandenberg


  14. Anonymous

    Hei – nous.

  15. Anonymous

    Isn’t he the one that supposedly killed someone? Loser. All the way around.

  16. Thanks for the druggie slacker, Rod!

    And he probably hasn’t worked a day in his life.