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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

It’s just nice to see a photo of John Lennon’s two sons, Sean and Julian, together. There have been many rumors that they don’t get along, but both insist they DO, and value each other as brothers. Sean is the son of Yoko Ono and Julian ‘s mother was Lennon’s first wife Cynthia. Julian and Yoko may not be terribly friendly, but it’s good to see the brothers going to a movie together in Cannes.

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  1. Shadoobie

    Julian at least looks normal. Sean definitely has that weird stare of his mother, Yoko.

  2. Casonia logenberry...Hells kitchen! Chef Ramsay seems more mad at people and stressed out at other people actions....Masterchef Cooks really Rocks compaired to Hells kitchen cooks? Frustrating to some degree.

    I love you sweet heart and always loved your Music and really enjoy your singing and wonder when your going to be a father? Sean sweet heart hope your doing well and everything is going great for you sweet heart and take care and have a great day. Two Blessings of your father.

  3. Casonia logenberry...Hells kitchen! Chef Ramsay seems more mad at people and stressed out at other people actions....Masterchef Cooks really Rocks compaired to Hells kitchen cooks? Frustrating to some degree.

    Julian your really handsome and very attractive..When are you going to have children and when are you going to make your mother a grandmother.

  4. ZAK

    Two losers. Sean was Johnny’s favorite cause he looked like Yoko Ugly. Julian you are a real loser. Your almost ready for a hair transplant.

  5. Julian Lennon Is Talented

    Wow, this is lovely to see, I was under the impression they had nothing to do with each othere.

  6. Anonymous


  7. Kittee Kattee

    I got to meet Julian in the late 1980s. He was very down-to-earth, friendly and polite. I think he’s very talented, but often struggled with the shadow of his father’s talent and fame. Good to see him looking well. Thanks, Janet!

  8. Anonymous

    John Lennon was a piss-poor father. I’m glad to see his sons get along. The only one spending John’s money is Yoko.

  9. Anonymous

    They both look like building maintenance workers out for an evening.

  10. Anonymous

    Wow – John sure didn’t have it going on in the gene pool, did he? His kids look like they got hit by the ugly stick.

  11. Bu

    Julian is a very talented musician. His album “Velotte” was a top selling album world wide. He also wrote the music himself. He as written and produced many albums of music!

  12. Dieter

    These men may share the same Father but they certainly did not inherit any talent. The only talent they have is spending his money.

  13. gerard Vandenberg

    this is the evidence: CANNES ATTRACTS LOSER FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, folks!!

  14. Anonymous

    Dang, Julian looks like John!!!!