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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Scott Eastwood, 28, looked like a young version of his father Clint at the Independent Spirit Awards, except – alas — he’s five inches shorter. Height notwithstanding, he’s carving out a career for himself- he’s starring in Nicholas Sparks’ The Longest Ride, coming out in April. Scott is currently filming Oliver Stone’s thriller Snowden with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Shailene Woodley.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. susieserb

    LOVE CLINT EASTWOOD AND HIS DIRECTED MOVIES. Hey dolts the American people think so too, check out the $$$$$$ sales. Too bad so sad.

    Hope the son=a conservative as well; proud to say that.

  2. namers

    Since when do you care about anybody’s views? Your site is nothing but nasty racist, homophobic posters. Those must be YOUR views.

  3. Marco

    He reminds me of Robert Conrad.

  4. Philberto Cardenez

    nepotism is alive and well.

  5. Hilary

    Well, let’s hope he doesn’t have the moral compass of his father…

  6. Natalie

    He’s nice looking. I don’t care about his politics as much as I care about if he’s a womanizer like his father.

  7. mister baja

    true, but vote for the democrates.

  8. John

    Let’s hope he doesn’t share his conservative nut job father’s political views.

    1. Janet

      What exactly ARE those views?