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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Not only is Sandra Bullock writing big checks to ALS research – her partner Bryan Randall recently passed away from the cruel disease – but she’s also planning to use her mega star power to raise millions more. In the three months since Bryan’s passing, Sandra has been brainstorming for a way to raise funds for research in hopes of finding a cure. She’s not sure if she wants to host a televised fundraiser or an annual charity gala, but the time she’s spent working on this cause has made her loss a bit more bearable. My source explained that this is one way Sandra feels connected to Bryan and can keep his memory alive.

Photo: Instagram

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  1. Tina K.

    She’s everyone favorite everything. Gorgeous and genuine.

  2. Gary

    That is truly Sandy! She always stands by your side through thick and thin. I wish her all the luck in the world.

  3. Miss Can

    All I can say is ALS doesn’t stand a chance.

  4. Parker Schnabel

    Jessie is her true and only love