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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mariah Carey could learn a thing or two from Salma Hayek. Salma turned up dressed to kill for the Giambattista Valli fashion presentation in Paris – she’s obliged to look fabulous because she married into a fashion empire. We can’t take our eyes off her SHOES – the highest heels we’ve seen since Lady Gaga. To her credit, 5’2” Salma can actually walk unassisted in these stilettos – Mariah needs two men to hold her up. She did sit down at the earliest opportunity, however.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. loner

    …………….and thongs.

  2. It's me Margaret

    There is no way she is 5’2″, I’ve stood next to her and I would be surprised if she was even 5′ tall.

  3. Schlomo Titleman

    A very strange and self entitled woman.