Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
We didn’t realize that Mickey Rourke is a huge star in Russia. The Russians LOVE his bad-boy, womanizing villainous image, and Mickey has started hanging out in Russian clubs and restaurants in LA where he gets loads of attention. For the past six months, Mickey has been studying Russian because he plays a Russian character in “Iron Man 2,” and now that he speaks the language, he’s even MORE popular. According to an insider, Russians treat Mickey “like Michael Jackson” – whatever that means.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
lady: The comments you refer to are intended to be humorous. Mickey’s days of putting-out for some hairy-backed producer (if he ever did) went down the drain with his good looks — years ago.
why does everyone on this site ALWAYS imply that mickey is bisexual, and had to suck cock to get back in the game.
if this is true why doesnt anyone give details?!!!!??
And i would doubt mickey can speak a word of russian, he also had translators all during his visit to moscow for the wrestler.
He loves russia because the women are hot and easy!!!!!!every man who is in moscow loves russian women.
why does everyone on this site ALWAYS imply that mickey is bisexual, and had to suck cock to get back in the game.
if this is true why doesnt anyone give details?!!!!??
Off Topic: JUSTICE for Lana Clarkson. At long last.
Insomniac Anon@3:29AM The only time anyone would want Mickey to spend on the casting couch would be to re-upholster it.
valley girl
…….and Mick’s fellow faggots just can not get enough of him.
Mickey spent a long time on the casting couch with studio executives before they allowed his ‘big’ comeback.
I don’t thin he’s been hanging out at Russian clubs, my house is far from a ‘russian club’.haha this is a reach, and I doubt he speaks Russian either.
gerard Vandenberg
That’s exactly the reason why europe is twenty years ahead of them, folks!!