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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


No WONDER Russell Crowe has been looking so bloated and awful for the past year – he’s been fattening up to play a monster! Specifically, Roger Ailes in a series for Showtime. Ailes was the predatory boss at successful Fox News for 20 years who forced female employees to wear skirts and heels every day. Dozens of women accused him of sexual harassment and huge quantities of hush money changed hands to maintain the misogynistic culture at Fox. The brave women who finally took him on were considerably better looking than Ailes.

Above: Russell Crowe filming in New York

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News/Avalon Red

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  1. Toby Flenderson

    Heels and skirts are wonderful. What, you WANT to look like Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit?

    If Fox is so bad, just go to CNN or the other dreckmeisters.

  2. Dan Dan

    Fox News and their fake news and their sucking of the orange moron’s …sock is destroying our country. Lies and hate and misinformation are toxic and they push it down people’s throats every hour of every day.

  3. obi

    investing in McDonalds is stll profitable……………

  4. Cardi D

    Crowe is a very odd man to begin with