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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Rumer Willis is rocking a new set of long thick extensions and they aren’t doing her any favors – they look dreary. Her mother Demi Moore actually looks better in long hair. Maybe the extensions are for a film – to her credit, Rumer IS a working actress. She not only appears on the TV series Empire, but she has two horror movies coming out this year. It can’t be easy having two successful actors for parents…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. bad weave

    Hey, those extensions are for her horror movies.
    She’ll be playing Medusa parts one and two

  2. Diva

    Mom jeans

  3. sheila

    nepotism beats waiting in line

  4. Daggers

    Looking a tad hippy; a perfect look for 2 horror movies. Oh, horror.

  5. Daggers

    Looking a tad hippy; a perfect look for 2 horror movies. O, Horror.

  6. MissLisa

    Love your website J.C. It’s actually Demi who’s on Empire.

  7. Paula

    He is so gross!

  8. It's Me Margaret

    Demi made unattractive daughters.

  9. coffeeshop

    they lead a life on their own now…………..