Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Rumors have been circulating that actor/ wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper’s cancer has returned but we’re told they’re not true. Roddy battled Hodgkin’s Lymphoma back in 2006 but so far he seems to be healthy. Every once in awhile his classic John Carpenter movie “They Live” runs on cable and we strongly recommend it. Roddy’s pretty daughter Ariel (Above with Roddy at a children’s charity event) aims to follow in her dad’s footsteps as an actor, not a wrestler. Despite his rambunctious image, Roddy has been married to his wife Kitty for thirty years and they live in Oregon.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
wow Ariel, you look absolutely beautiful in this picture! LOVE LOVE LOVE the new hair color! It’s a keeper.
Richard Anderson
Janet, you gotta be kidding about “They Live”…it was a ridiculous piece of Marxist agitprop…we know you hate Christianity/Jesus and anyone who thinks that laughable movie is “classic” must hate capitalism too…I know John Carpenter does!
Nice of you two to participate in the event.
Very pretty young girl!
Roddy is appearing as a guest star on popular crime drama, just had an awesome guest star role on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, was guest host of RAW a couple weeks ago, was in Wrestlemania 25 a few months ago and is currently developing a sitcom that the producers picked him as the lead for and are building the show around. The film of his life has a script and producers on board as well so that goes into production this year … Maybe you should know what a person’s got going on before you relegate them to “80’s irrelevant” Mr. Shumacher-Berlin.
And Captain America … are you trying to be funny or did you not type that right?
captain america
an ANUS is still his favourite place to be.
Dieter Shumacher-Berlin
Janet, the 1980’s are over!LOL! You should cover people relevant to this age…pleasssse!