Okay, we confess we have a tiny fixation with the use of strollers. They are extremely annoying in crowded places like flea markets or large stores, and their pushers seem to feel they always have the right of way. We think that kids who CAN walk SHOULD walk – exercise is good. Model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley didn’t let a little rain stop her when she took her son Jack Statham (dad is Fast & Furious actor Jason Statham) out for a stroll in London. Jack looks like he’d rather be walking, too, or maybe running…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
I used to think the same thing Janet!! 🙂 but, now I have a 3.5 year old. I make him walk and run as much as his little legs will go so he tires himself out for naps and bedtime, but when we’re out and about, eventually he gets tired and then he insists on being picked up or flops on the floor. his little legs do get tired. 40 lbs is HEAVY. hard to carry a 40 lb kid around when they won’t walk anymore. strollers are necessary, but sorry some people are obnoxious with their huge strollers!
You obviously don’t have kids! Strollers help mom move much faster and keep the kid in check. Don’t be ignorant!!!
The poor woman is starving to death