Nothing gets past our favorite feminist Rose McGowan. Just three of the 20 films selected for the Cannes Film Festival were directed by women. The festival director said “Don’t blame us “ – implying that the problem is rooted in Hollywood. But Rose isn’t letting them off the hook. She told The Hollywood Reporter “Those 17 who are not women should be forced to walk down the red carpet in high heels!” (Remember the appalling controversy last year in Cannes when women were not PERMITTED on the red carpet in flat shoes!) Rose says “There are so many levels of embedded misogyny that people don’t even realize. It starts with ‘You HAVE to wear high heels’ and goes to ‘We don’t accept you as a filmmaker.’” Hey Rose, when you’re RIGHT, you’re RIGHT…
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
explaine to me…………..
who is called the ‘most powerful man in the world”? a president….
who starts wars? MEN
who is raping mother earth for profit? MEN
who is responsible for human trafficking? MEN mostly always.
who could heal this planet? N O T M E N.
who needs their asses kicked? MEN
Men BAD Women GOOD
Never leave your young daughter w/ anyone who looks like this!
Hillary on the line!