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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Rob Pattinson’s arrival and departure at The David Letterman Show caused a huge uproar on 53rd Street. Frenzied fans and sobbing women had to be corralled behind blockades but they busted loose and police closed down the whole block. Through it all Rob kept a pleasant look on his face and attempted to acknowledge and sign for as many people as possible. He has a good attitude toward his fans. It IS odd that People didn’t choose Rob as Sexiest Man Alive considering what he does to women.

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  1. Red Rooster

    No wonder we’re a nation of imbeciles when grown woman act like this.

  2. bonnie blizzard

    PS: Kristen Stewart was a guest on Regis/Kelly Live show and she looked like she had been smoking something. Hair was stringy and she hardly made any sense answering questions. This is today’s world.

  3. bonnie blizzard

    The whores, sluts, wannabes, cougars, etc are all coming out of the woodwork what with these Vampire movies. RP is a closet gay; it is obvious. Kristen Stewart looks and acts like a sleepy dopehead. A sick society are we.

  4. Etienne

    Really? REALLY? By his own admission, the guy rarely bothers to shampoo his hair or even shower, he doesn’t like brushing his teeth, and he’s a chain-smoker. REALLY? I’d rather smell a goat which would probably be a walk in the park compared to this walking garbage heap. Nasty.

  5. right

    Anytime there are this many women after a guy, he is gay. Women are terrible judges of sexuality.

  6. Reta

    Overhyped Triangle Head!!

  7. captain america

    how a walking miscarriage looks like?

    well, BE MY GUEST!!

  8. Helena Handbasket

    I think it’s cute that his “autograph” is a big, fat R!….. but c’mon, RPatz, must you scrawl it across your face?