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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Rita Wilson and Ellen Degeneres chatted about Covid-19 on Ellen today and Rita revealed a pertinent piece of information. Rita and hubby Tom Hanks were the first celebrities diagnosed with Covid, and they announced it on March 12, 2020, from Australia where they remained in isolation for two weeks. Rita told Ellen that 9 months after her recovery she still had antibodies. BUT, two months later, Rita was tested again and had NONE! Presumably she can now catch Covid again, and needs vaccine like everyone else. This of course implies that we will probably all have to be vaccinated for Covid EVERY YEAR just like we get flu shots! Good news for the drug manufacturers…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. lex freedman

    Since when is Rita a celebrity ? She just skims off the old hubby

  2. dummies

    A PAID infomercial masquerading as an interview. and a gossip tidbit.

  3. Wilson

    Interesting, her antibodies lasted 9 months. Reports have said they only last three or four months.

    Historically, some pandemics have lasted hundreds of years. Let’s hope this one doesn’t and that we only need to get an annual vaccine jab.