Love, love, LOVE Rihanna’s new haircut! She’s in Mohawk territory with shaved sides and a tousled kind of feminine version of the rockstar cut. This ultra-modern style reveals that Rihanna is very sure of herself and not afraid to lead the pack. She’s BACK!
Friday, July 17, 2009
This hair rocks… literally ! Do you mind if I use this on my site as well? Btw, please try my quiz about Rihanna and find out if you are a true Rihanna fan! Rihanna quiz
Liberal Media Is Corrupt
She’s young and should do some crazy stuff. I think it looks great. Is she a singer or actress?
I don’t know half the people written about on this site (I’m getting old).
i love it! my boyfriend once asked me to get a hawk, and i said never. but this looks so hott. i totally agree with jennifer, it fits rihanna.
I think it’s EXCELLENT.
No, it’s not something you see every day, but I think the cut is totally cool, and Rihanna is definiely hot enough to pull it off.
Savhing off parts of your hair to acheive a look is for some reason frowned upon. I don’t get that. Super short and super long. It’s bizarre and I like it.
Personally I’d have chopped off a little more of the longer hair, because I can’t imagine what it would look like if she fell into temptation and decided to style it differently on her head. This kind of cut should STAY this kind of cut.
What makes an ugly haircut, anyway?
I don’t think uniqueness = ugly. I think if a haircut blatanly points out your not-so-cute features, e.g. round face, tall forehead, THAT would be a bad haircut because it does not fit you.
This fits Rihanna.
It does not flaunt a flaw, and she’s totally hot anyway. It WORKS.
Suddenly I’m craving cornflakes….
I hate it, hate it, hate it! Why would a beautiful girl like that get such a ugly-ass hair cut? Can’t believe you like it and think she’s back leading the pack. Are you blind?
UGH!!! That is THE WORST haircut I have ever seen! What is wrong with you Janet?!
I think her new haircut is hideous and I pity the 16 year old hardcore Rihanna fan who copies that.
Her lesbian side comes out more every day.
The Dudette
Screw the hair? I love her bag.
She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer and never will be. She needs to be constantly monitored. And, if that hideous mess ever grows out, someone should tell her to never get a mohawk again. Why is she getting any press coverage at all…she’s a loser.
I agree with ObamaDrama, it’s fugly! There’s edgy and a constant cry for attention….she falls into the later.
A haircut you love if you are high on drugs. Nothing feminine or attractive about it. Makes me thing she should have been examined for brain damage after her fracas with her boyfriend. That would explain it.
Woof Woof. Sorry but that is one fugly haircut. Back at what? Being ordinary? She is way over-rated. I really do not see the fascination with her.
Woof Woof. Sorry but that is one fugly haircut. She is way over-rated. I really do not see the fascination with her.
captain america
well, I’M GLAD TASTES DIFFER, folks!!
I think it looks ugly and not sexy at all. What man would want to run his hands over THAT??? Looks like a rooster’s ass!!