Redmond O’Neal just can’t get it right. The last judge he saw warned him that if he didn’t clean up in his current rehab, he’d be sent to state prison for his accumulated felonies. This week someone sneaked drugs to him in rehab and he flunked a drug test. He’s expected to be back in front of the judge this week and the outcome won’t be good. But nothing could be worse than his last mug shot. This sunken, aging face belongs to a privileged 26 year old kid with two good looking parents. Look what he’s done to himself.

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  1. Wonder who snuck drugs into him? Why isn’t the facility stricter about letting people have contact with the patients.

    What do you think Strom-bolina? Cuz you know it’s not about those self absorbed posters. Come on honey, whisper it to me.

    Dang Strom. Lay off the Taco Bell. There’s a big fuzzy cloud around you.

  2. Strommy

    I have so much love in my heart for you. You feel the same way too right?

  3. It was probably his Dad aka “Worlds biggest Prick” Ryan O’Neal that snuck the drugs in!! This kid, like Tatum, doesn’t have a chance as long as they stay in a relationship with WBP. Ryan wants Redmond’s inheritance from Farrah and he will do anything to get it, anything!

  4. Maybe a long trip in the clink is what he needs to straighten out. Such a sad situation. Hope he comes out of it a better person.

  5. Then we’ll get another dose of Ryan blubbering all over ET and anyone else who will give him the time of day.

  6. I know in the gossip news lately there was a story about someone going to visit someone in rehab against everyone’s wishes. Was it Ryan visiting Redmond? I didn’t even care enough to pay attention. If it was, then I am more than sure he is the one who brought in the drugs.

  7. Didn’t ryan just visit him? and it was against the “rules” or something??? and if I’m not mistaken, a commenter here read the future saying he (RO) probably smuggled in drugs for Red. Tragedy. He prob does want him dad so he could A) get some publicity and sell his tory and B)be next in kin for Red’s mom’s $$$$.

    (ah, commenter who prophetized this….can you read MY future??? will I ever have any extra money ???)

  8. I am surprised that some druggie is willing to smuggle in. I would have thought that his being in a facility would be a good excuse to forget about Redmond and concentrate on his/her own drug supply.

  9. I would be really surprised and appalled if Ryan O’Neal smuggled in drugs to Redmond. If that’s the case, Ryan should be put in the jail cell next to Redmond.

  10. Smuggling drugs is a big industry in rehab and prison. BLACK and hispanic gangs run the trade and money gets passed all around.

  11. Throw the loser in jail and let him stew for a while. If Ryan smuggled the drugs in, he should be taken out and shot, and it should be a TLC special.

  12. I think Ryan lost his mind long ago.

    I would like to talk to Redmond for about 2 hours for about 2 or 3 months.

  13. Maybe Janet was subtly suggesting Ryan brought him the drugs. Either way, it is a good thing Farrah isn’t here to see his demise.

  14. Goes to show you his folks might have looks, but…

    We all assume that he was nurtured in the home by at least one parent growing up, but do we really know that? Not at all. I am sure there were more issues than this little boy could hold in his head without the aid of hard core drugs.

  15. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n says:

    Hooked on Herion is a feeling that people love and it is hard to get away from something that makes him feel good.

  16. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n says:

    No different between booze and cigs and that is legal and…In the future he needs to be smarter and hire a driver and just have them drive him every where and something tells me that he has been hooked from day one and it is something he can’t stand to live without.

  17. Casonia—- hey honey where is my hamburger recipe? i have hamburger (beef), onion, taco seasoning, chili seasoning, spaghetti season, pizza cheese, french bread, butter, ragu spaghetti sauce, and some other things. what should i make and how do i make it?

    i have two cans of beans. one is pinto beans and one is grillin beans. can i make chili with those kind of beans

  18. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen says:

    Poor guy is having a real hard time and…Seems lost and…Is looking for a Direction? There is a big picture here and there is something going on with his life? He needs to address the issue and..Attack it!

  19. casonia—i thought he were a cook. help me fix something for brother and myself tonight. can’t i have a hamburger recipe?

  20. casonia – you are a life saver- thank you for the recipe (on the other comment section)- i am looking forward to fixing the pizza (on the french bread) for my brother and i to night.

  21. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen says:

    I Love to add onions and garlic and miss dash to the meat before cooking it in the pan and soy sauce if you have it instead of salt is wonderful…Once the Hamburger is cooked and all you have is french bread only brown it on the hard side and then add mayo and mustard and relish and lettice and tomato to it and theres your hamburger tonight.

  22. i did’t even think of being able to make a hamburger and using the french bread. i just always associate the french bread with spahetti but …………i absolutely love your pizza idea. i think i will go that route tonight. is it okay to had soy sauce to the hamburger for the pizza tonight?

  23. Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky? says:

    Soy sauce is great in Hamburger instead of salt and at times..I add Parsley and other spices to give it a kick! Dear Nicky enjoy your meal tonight… But Poor Redmond loves the feeling of getting High and…He looks like a man full of stress and tention and frustration…But it would be good for him to be in a place where he can think things throw and go in another direction.

  24. Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky? says:

    He needs to be smart in the future and stop being a fool and driving with drugs in his car…This young man is so rich he can hire a driver and stop breaking the law and calling attention to himself. He has everything in the world at a torch of his hand and never ever have to worry about money problems for the rest of his life. Address issues on How you felt before the drugs come into play and really talk to some one about your hurts and feelings and get everything off your chest.

  25. I think that pic is very haunting… he has such a sad look on his face… I’m not so sure he grew up all that privileged, I’m thinking he grew up very troubled. Lord help him, he’s really a lost soul.

  26. Let’s be honest, drugs had nothing to do with that face. Fact is, he was never a good-looking guy… attractive parents or no.

  27. Casonia...Britney Music is over looked Outrageous should be longer and Haunted should be longer with a tender version started off and then add to it? It would be a real prize to fight over a concert on Hell kitchen says:

    It is true…He is not cute and sexy…BUT I DO FEEL SORRY FOR HIM AND IT IS REALLY THE LOOK OF A MAN WHO JUST GOT CAUGHT? I Just wish he would change and stop going to jail!

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