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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Ralph Lauren quietly introduced his own brand of coffee a few years ago and gradually opened coffee bars in New York, Hong Kong, Paris and London, but NOT in Los Angeles. The “lifestyle brand” even has a cute vintage coffee truck. Ralph Lauren is the first fashion brand to launch a coffee and omigosh, we predict they started something BIG! Can you imagine Chanel and Gucci coffee shops? Or Vivienne Westwood? With exquisite pastries and cookies? There’s no end to the possibilities…

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  1. It's Me, again

    Strom, so what?

  2. Strom

    They laugh at people foolish enough to pay this much $$ for coffee

  3. It's Me, again

    Tiffany’s the jewelry store has opened a little restaurant concept too. I would love to have a Tiffany’s colored disposable coffee cup, that’s way more status than any of those other places.

    Ralph Lauren also has the wonderful polo bar, it’s pretty awesome!

  4. Paloma Sirieda

    Gosh it looks busy

  5. producer

    this is why Starbucks is in place on universities.

  6. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Hmmmm. Well, if anyone would be keen to monetize every possible angle beyond his traditional fashion oeuvre, that would be Mr. Lipsh*tz–er, Mr. LAUREN (sorry, we always forget he had it changed in court).

    (We wonder whether the ubiquity of the Ralphs Supermarket trademark in So Cal is keeping him out of LA–for the moment.)

    But competition for Starbucks? We say BRING IT. 😀