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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



With her talk show cancelled, Queen Latifah took to the sandy beaches of Miami for some fun with friends. The Queen Latifah show has stopped production, but new shows will air through March. Latifah remains optimistic- she’s already signed to star as Bessie Smith in the story of her life for HBO this year.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    Call out this untalented bull lesbian for the “Gay is Better than OK” lifestyle!

  2. Philberto Cardenez

    How did this untalented Woman become famous?

  3. Strom

    Major lesbo drama!

  4. Strom

    Yep….and many of the JCH enablers!

    All the television industry homo’s try to fill the airwaves with the “gay is ok” agenda. It’s not OK!

    Latifah is one knarly lesbo!

  5. Carlos Danger

    she really isn’t all that talented but the gay mafia in hollywood will try to keep her relevant.

  6. Strom

    The question is why were they ever funded to begin with? Nothing there except gay space.

  7. Emily

    All these talk shows getting cancelled … why the poor ratings? And what’s replacing them?

  8. mister baja

    ………….just believe it or not………….