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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Here’s someone we never thought we’d see sitting in the front row at London Fashion Week! Queen Elizabeth got all dolled up for her foray into the fashion world. Actually she made a speech about the importance of new young designer talent and the economy. We can only IMAGINE the competition to sit next to the Queen. Anna Wintour may have pulled some strings. We wonder what they talked about…they have something in common – they both found a hairstyle they like and stick to it!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Toby Flenderson

    Wintour was brilliant as Edna Mode in The Incredibles. Looking forward to The Incredibles II

  2. Regina

    The Queen looks amazing for her age, plus the fact that she’s still up and about under her own power and still has all her marbles.

  3. producer

    stick to the fundimentals……………

  4. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    As for the Queen, that helmet she wears is intended to be bulletproof–and it is.

  5. Giuliana De Pandi-Rancid

    Well, if in Anna’s case, “hairstyle” is in reference to her WIG, then yes, lol, she does seem to be loyal to it.

    By now Old Trusty is probably sewed into her scalp! 😀

  6. Diva

    Anna’s hair gets darker the older she gets!

  7. Paloma Sirieda

    The Queen is upset over Harry