#gracekelly #nicolekidman #janetcharlton
Nicole Kidman has the appropriate look of serenity in Monte Carlo as she films the title role in “Grace of Monaco.” Movie star-turned princess Grace Kelly was one of the most incredible beauties of all time and her royal shoes are not easy to fill, but Nicole appears to be doing fine. Tim Roth was cast to play Prince Rainier III. Director Olivier Dahn was responsible for “La Vie en Rose” so we have high expectations for this.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
yeah, Nicole was not a good choice for this role.
Grace Kelly was gorgeous and Nicole Kidman has a frozen unpleasant looking face…She is not pretty enough to pull off Grace Kelly. Amber Heard should have been cast because beyond beautiful is necessary to do that role!!
I know your listening
You don’t have to write!!
She is a poor choice. Just doesn’t look like her.
Princess Grace was treated by her father as second best. He always favored her sister (who never amounted to anything). I think marrying a Prince was a way to show her dad she actually was somebody (even though she already was somebody – a famous actress)! I always thought if she were to marry and have children with Cary Grant, what gorgeous children they would create. Those two were absolutely ravishing together in To Catch A Thief.
Albert sounds like a real winner. There’s no way in hell I would have married him even if they did hold me hostage like they did with her.
Yes, the Monaco police caught up with Charlene at the Nice airport when she was apparently trying to return to South Africa with a one-way ticket. They stripped her of her passport and returned her to Albert. Apparently she was upset when he confessed to having fathered a third illegitimate child, when previously he’d only copped to the two: a black stewardess, Nicole Coste,originally from Togo, gave birth to his son Alexandre in August 2003. He tried to deny it, but the paternity was confirmed via DNA. The second is Jazmin Grace Grimaldi (born 1992), whose mother is Tamara Rotolo, a waitress. The third child was, at the time, an 18-month-old son of a woman from Italy, so that affair would have taken place while the Prince was dating Charlene. It’s ironic that she’s not pregnant yet, when that’s the most important role of a royal wife and he desperately needs a legitimate heir, since old Rainier saw to it that these others were removed from the line of succession. Apparently Albert at least supports them financially.
Thanks strumpet’s Trumpet and MissEva. I figured I was right about that but I didn’t realize they were both sleeping around on each other and such a miserable marriage. I’m sure she resented him for forcing her to quit acting and for running around. I always found him creepy looking and acting. All the years his creepy, bald son was running around and being called the world’s most eligible bachelor cracked me up. He was far from it. Btw, what do you know about his new wife trying to get away from him and Monaco right before the wedding?
I had also heard the daughter was driving when the accident happened and they were arguing. There’s no telling what all happened behind closed doors that we don’t know about.
Well, rumor has always had it that Stephanie was the one driving and she and Grace were in the middle of a huge argument when they had the accident. When you consider how traumatized (and guilt-ridden?) Steph was and how terribly she acted out during subsequent years, it tends to lend credence to that interpretation.
So did they purposeful kill her too?
Kitty: You’re right. Any European can tell you it was no love match. Rainier was a notorious womanizer. He was always in need of money, especially once Onassis stopped supporting the principality, and he saw in Grace an excellent PR opportunity for Monaco. And of course he needed heirs in order to avoid having the principality revert to France. So along comes an actress with delusions of grandeur, who despite her “Ice Princess” image, had slept with most of her leading men (including the married ones)and was very fearful of aging. She saw an opportunity, as did he. They were not happy together. She always kept a Paris apartment, together with Caroline, where she’d meet her “boy toys”. And of course she drank while the daughters ran amok. Some fairy tale!!
I have nothing against Nicole Kidman; in fact, I like her movies. But. Grace Kelly is one of my inspirations, and Nicole just is not beautiful enough to play her. Not trying to be mean, but Grace was gorgeous, and Nicole just doesn’t have the right look. I’ll probably see the movie, just because I like Grace so much, so maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. But I’m not holding my breath.
strumpet's Trumpet
Kitty i think you’re right, Grace always had that typical American aw shucks crudeness and starstruck, she succumbed to the oily wealth and tenuous fame of the Prince.
A minor royal at best, his son too is an insufferable lout, and creepy like the father. Your average Euro watcher, would never have succumbed to his transparently odious wiles, so it was left to the dull witted white bread Grace to produce an heir.
a pox upon their houses.
Steve Canyon
agree, for now she has indeed.
(she was really married to *sshole tom cruise?)
Nicole Kidman looks like Nicole Kidman. Same frozen face, same smile. This woman has very limited acting abilities and looks nothing like Grace.
Has anybody seen the film of Grace Kelly on her wedding day and walking down the aisle? She looks like she’s going to her execution. I’ve always had the impression that this was not a love match and it’s been said they really didn’t know each other well and had only been together a few times. It makes me wonder if it was because she wanted to be a princess or money or what? He certainly was NOT attractive in any way.
Pippa Martin-St. Onge
Grace would be horrified by the casting. A Woman who married a C&W singer and A Scientologist? How tacky.