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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Michael Jackson did his kids, Prince and Paris, a big favor by using Dr Arnold Klein as the sperm donor for their surrogate births. They did not inherit Michael’s musical talent, but they got the very educated Dr Klein’s brainpower. Prince admits he can’t sing or dance, but he’s an A student at Loyola Marymount University (he calls himself Michael “Prince” Jackson now) and already has his own video production company – King’s Son Productions. Michael “Prince” also seems to have inherited some of Arnie Klein’s charm and fun personality – which is always a good thing.

(Above, Michael “Prince” Jackson guested on a London morning show)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. It's me Margaret

    Genetically gifted? This dude is the product of two untalented losers and he’s short and has a stupid looking face. The only thing worth talking about is his bank account.

  2. lippp

    Lauren, you’re right, Prince is a dead ringer for Michael. (snark)

  3. Lauren Phillips

    Janet do you have proof? A DNA test ? Or is this just more made up rubbish that you base this blog on?

  4. Smartphone

    another prove for naive americans who still believe he the son of black superman: Michael Jackson.