Now that he’s eighteen, Prince Jackson is enjoying the benefits of his father’s trust fund. He’s driving a $200,000 Mercedes (how boring is that?) AND he has yet another girlfriend. Prince graduated from high school with honors this year and fortunately he’s going on to college at Loyola Marymount University, and aims at a career in filmmaking. In case you hadn’t noticed, every year it becomes more evident that his biological father is Michael Jackson’s dermatologist Dr Arnold Klein, as we have always insisted. Not only is Prince a dead ringer for Klein, he inherited his intelligence.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Figures that Earl is from Indiana!
Earl, thanks for your opinion, even though it had nothing to do with the thread and was simply a slam of a poster.
And sounds like Katie is taking up the MJ cause, and maybe next will say that he was not a child molester or pervert.
In truth, Mikey changed the word Culkin from a noun to an action verb by his actions with underage McCauley, and should have lost both his little bleached balls and his freedom for it.
Poor S & E of Toronto, so joined at the hip…and elsewhere!
Poor little imposter…so wants to be Strom.
Earl, thanks for your opinion, even though your assumptions are so wrong.
He looks like Debbie’s brother Darryl. So, sorry to burst your britches Janet.
Stephen and Eric Toronto
you nailed it Earl
Earl from Ind.
Strom, when people call you out for all the rude and stupid things you say, you respond by accusing them of being, poor, gay, lesbian, unemployed, or race traitors, enablers or something of equally cruel intention.
why don’t you give just give it a break, and just stop talking such garbage’ and no, im not a liberal, nor a democrat, ot gay or black or jewish or poor. im a white conservative republican, vet, EMS service owner, with 4 kids, a nice house, who thinks you talk too much sh*t, far too often
ps. I am pretty certain you have never written a book, nor left the county
Michael Jackson was used abused and set up. he gave so much and is so much missed.
did he have problems with drugs? yes. is that what killed him? no. the question is WHO….
the world is a lonelier place without his talent and contributions. a horrible loss for the world.
mister baja
……..a mexican sperm donor?
Well Prince does look like Dr. Klein, can’t really deny that. Don’t know who Paris’ father is, but she is one gorgeous girl and I hope all the children turn out well. They’ve had a huge loss and that must impact their lives in ways we can’t really appreciate. All the $$$ in the world doesn’t bring back a deceased father and all the $$$ doesn’t guarantee happiness.
Jacko was the peewee king. Thank God kids are finally safe from him.
The Pied Piper
Janet Charlton’s Hollywood.
Que the sound of crickets{Strom}chirping.
Congratulations, Prince, on graduating with honors, your acceptance to a great college, your new girl and beautiful new car ! You look great and you’re in the zone. Don’t let silly goofballs ruin your flow. Enjoy life and continue your dad’s legacy. You have a bright future ahead.
Carlos Danger
Strom doesn’t have any children. The best he can do is rub up against telephone poles until someone lodges a complaint with the police.
Congratulations to Prince for his marvelous achievement!
Poor Shelia and Katie….taking up for the pervert MJ. The gays always go hand and hand, it seems.
100% taking up for Michael Jackson ! You are correct. Michael Jackson was not a child molester but a victim of opportunists and his children should not be bullied by small minded hate mongers for trying to live their lives in peace. Besides, the comments aren’t about MJ. But of course, people who bully children and spew hatred and tabloid nonsense aren’t known for their reading skills, ability to research facts or critical thinking skills. Shouldn’t you be at a hate rally, protesting a funeral or out looking for Big Foot or Aliens or something, Strom? Get a life and leave these children alone. Worry about raising your own children to be decent people. Oh wait, they have you as an example…well that’s not gonna work now is it?
shelia c.
Strom, you obsessive, delusional, lying dolt, the post was about the living son, not the dead father. Imagine the cruelty endured, if your kids (heaven forbid) were saddled with your reviled conduct.
Sounds like Katie is taking up the MJ cause, and maybe next will say that he was not a child molester or pervert. In truth, Mikey changed the word Culkin from a noun to an action verb by his actions with underage McCauley, and should have lost both his little bleached balls and his freedom for it.
You seem a little bitter and spiteful toward someone you have never met( who happens to drive a 200k Mercedes). Sorry life hasn’t provided you with all you want but it’s not this young man’s fault. Michael Jackson is his father until proven otherwise ( and, legally, even then ).The kid has the same disorder Michael Jackson had: vitiligo. I guess that is just a very odd, million to one coincidence. And what’s wrong with him having dated several girlfriends? He’s 18. What’s wrong with dating? Is he expected to pick a life partner by age 15 and stick with her forever? It’s normal for teens to date several( read: more than one )people as they mature. Just because you have had less luck in your love life is no reason to bully this boy. Leave him and his siblings alone and stop writing jealous, spiteful garbage.
Who fathered the other two?
Gemma St. Ivens
He will soon be in prison.
You seem to think highly of arnie klein and probably are the only one. Drug pusher