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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Zsa Zsa Gabor’s husband Prince Frederick Von Anhalt amazed us with with the story about his recent robbery. He claimed that three “white” women held a gun to his head, robbed him of his “expensive” watch, jewelry, $1800 cash, and his car keys (but NOT the car!) and forced him to strip naked and left him handcuffed him to the steering wheel of his Rolls Royce. Bel Air police are investigating the tall tale but a source of ours offers a more likely scenario. Apparently Frederick is in the habit of parking in a very “cruisey” West Hollywood parking lot where guys hook up. After dark, the lot is always packed with men in cars looking for action. According to our eyewitness, the Prince is a regular – several times a week – and his Rolls stands out in the crowd. Our source’s theory- and remember, this is only a theory- is that perhaps the Prince hooked up with the WRONG companion and got robbed. In order to explain the loss to his wife and the insurance company, he dreamed up the naked story. Presumably we’ll find out more when the Bel Air police investigate. Or not.

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  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    yeah, he is gay but that comment about him having a black boyfriend is so wrong… i know frederic and he believes that relationships are only for men and women! he will have sex with guys but never date one, and also because i know him i know that he really doesn’t like black people at all… i know this sounds so wrong, but unfortunately its true.

  3. Anonymous

    yeah, he is gay but that comment about him having a black boyfriend is so wrong… i know frederic and he believes that relationships are only for men and women! he will have sex with guys but never date one, and also because i know him i know that he really doesn’t like black people at all… i know this sounds so wrong, but unfortunately its true.

  4. Anonymous

    yeah, he is gay but that comment about him having a black boyfriend is so wrong… i know frederic and he believes that relationships are only for men and women! he will have sex with guys but never date one, and also because i know him i know that he really doesn’t like black people at all… i know this sounds so wrong, but unfortunately its true.

  5. Caren

    I hope her gets the help her needs.

  6. Anonymous

    Where have you been, the man sits in the 24 hour fitness hot tub and picks up Asian Boys. This is not news.

  7. Anonymous

    But when was he ever IN the news to have fallen OUT of the news to want to stay IN?
    My head hurts.

  8. Anonymous

    First he tries to claim he’s Anna Nicole’s baby daddy and now this. He’s way too old to be carrying on like this. I think he’s desperate to stay in the news, but he’s a nobody

  9. Anonymous

    This man is utterly gross and utterly utterly worthless. Who cares if he’s gay, straight or bi as long as you don’t run anymore pics!

  10. Margo Channing

    It just proves that stupid is ageless.

  11. eurotrash

    i thought he was dating pee wee herman. really. altho he’s kinda old for pee wee.

  12. Anonymous

    Poor man.

  13. Von H

    Prince Frederick Von Nekkid!! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

  14. Anonymous

    In flat broke Prince Frederick’s case, Zsa Zsa has the money so he has to stick to their original agreement. He’ll be able to come out of the closet when Zsa Zsa croaks.

  15. sick sad world.

    I 100% believe this.
    ISn’t it sad that gay men have to (and that’s relative) meet up at bathrooms, reststops, alleys, cars, PARKS, late at night (George Michael) ?
    Will the day ever come in our history that homos are accepted and the stigma of pefering co@& to p**** doesn’t make you less of a man?
    Or are the effeminate homos always going to over-ride the masculinity of other gay men?
    Prince nobody is getting really old, wants attention, and boys to go down on him-You think Zsa Zsa still has a sex drive at ….80? 90? How old is she anyways..Ms. Paris Hilton of the 1950’s….50 years ago. yikes.
    Times have changed, and money can create people to loose sense of reality-invincable-ness
    Poor guy.
    Look at him.
    Throw me $50 G’s and i’d hook him up!

  16. lock up lindsay!

    Is there anyone left in Hollywood who is not a complete and total fucking lunatic???????

  17. Anonymous

    Okay.. It’s his fakey royalty claims you must know about, this guy is a gossip-seeking, lying freak. He staged the whole affair and wants to sell the sensational car-jacked by lovely vandals story for a lot of money..

  18. Anonymous

    what took y’all so long to get this right?
    fruit at(on)the bottom!

  19. Anonymous

    Constantine Maroulis CD drops tomorrow. You can preview it here:
    put in a : // after http above.

  20. Anonymous

    He had a black boyfriend who worked behind the deli at Pavilions Market in West Hollywood. It was the talk of the store. He’s gayer than gay, baby.

  21. Annabella

    “Where guys hook up”…so you’re saying he’s gay? How do you explain the trend of considerably well-off, gay men marrying Hollywood icons (and, in Zsa Zsa’s case, psuedo-icons)? Look at Judy Garland (Minnelli), Liza Minnelli (egg-faced Gest), Carrie Fisher (to what’s-his-face), and now Zsa Zsa, married to a Princess…

  22. poopsie

    The Prince saw Janet’s photo and he ripped his clothes off because she got him sooooo hot!