An acquaintance of theirs just told us that that Lindsay Lohan and Harry Morton didn’t really break up at all – they PRETENDED TO so they could get more attention from the press! Who knows what to believe any more? Everyone was feeling sorry for Lindsay and she dragged Stavros Niarchos around town to help her “get over” Harry. Actually it looks like she and Harry are masters at drumming publicity for themselves . This week the pair turned up at perhaps the most photographed restaurant in the world = The Ivy = and pretended to be “working things out” while flashbulbs popped. Give us a break.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
To be honest, why write something none of you can achieve in life. First of all Lohan and Morton is rich, second it isnt any ones business to know their personal life and what they do every second of any day. Their both humans just everyone else and their entitle of privacy. PLAIN AND SIMPLE…MIND YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS! LEAVE THEM ALONE.
It is fun to watch the train wreck in slo motion, though.
Lindsay Lohan shouldn’t even be considered an actress. Pretty soon she is just going to be another washed up child star.
Isn’t everyone over her already. Everything she does is just to get press. Can someone please let her know she’s done already!!!
STOP writing about these two or I am going to STOP visiting this site!
Then go and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.
We will be asking who is Lindsay Lohan in 5 yrs..she will be either dead, fat or disapated with drugs and booze…she is a high school dropout with nowhere to go…You ever notice that stars with talent do not do the “scene”..Redford, Newman, Hoffman, DeNiro, Keaton, Streep, Huffman etc..talented people do not need to fall into the gutter..their talent speaks for them. Go away Paris, Nicole, Lilo…far.
We will be asking who is Lindsay Lohan in 5 yrs..she will be either dead, fat or disapated with drugs and booze…she is a high school dropout with nowhere to go…You ever notice that stars with talent do not do the “scene”..Redford, Newman, Hoffman, DeNiro, Keaton, Streep, Huffman etc..talented people do not need to fall into the gutter..their talent speaks for them. Go away Paris, Nicole, Lilo…far.
STOP writing about these two or I am going to STOP visiting this site!
Janet, Are you miffed about something? This is the second non-news item about them not having broken up you try to pass off as news. Were you snubbed in some way?
Lindsey peaked about 2 years ago. It’s all downhill from here.
Please stop writing about Lindsey Lohan!
I totally agree with 4:19. This just proves that having money doesn’t necessarily make the person.
Janet, forget about these two. I know I am.
She looks like dirty white trash and he looks like a muppet with that giant chin. Their 15 minutes are OVER PLEASE!!!
Janet, why give them any more press? The more you and the others write about them, you feed the monster. Stop feeding and they’ll disappear.