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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Take a look at a woman destined to be one of the richest wives in Hollywood. (AND take a look at the REAL Sasha Baron Cohen out of character!) Actress Isla Fisher is engaged to the hottest commodity in town – Sasha – who’s new comedy Borat is expected the break records in all directions. The film hasn’t even been released here yet and the buzz is so deafening that studios are falling all over each other bidding millions for rights to his next movie. Universal has the lead so far with 42 million. Cohen’s next effort will be all about his beloved character Bruno, a gay Austrian fashionista (with the faux hawk hair and tight pants,) and Bruno’s infiltration of New York’s fashion and club scene. Isla has a bright future, indeed.

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  1. Anonymous

    Another gentile female betraying her own beliefs to marry into the “right” ethnicity for entertainment. Disgusting.

  2. Anonymous

    borats , sorry sashas girlfriend used to be on a austrailian soap home and away , v famous in uk and aus

  3. Anonymous

    Sasha is a shameful looser. I don’t know how he can look at himself in the mirror with the shamelss trash he just put out in that Borat movie. NO FAN HERE.

  4. Anonymous

    to the people who “don’t know” who borat/ali g is or thinks he’s boring, where have you been the last few years? did you miss his halarious show, season 1 and 2, on HBO that was so successful it led to his first movie? unless you’re living in hole without cable, you’ve seen him and maybe didn’t know he was the comedian doing the skit. and as for the jew comments, sounds like whatver race/religion you are – you’re feeling a little inferior and jealous!

  5. Anonymous

    I like the Ali G show and will watch the movie… but I don’t think they qualify as being a power couple since I have never heard of the woman.

  6. Amber

    Sascha Cohen is actually better looking than the pic you put up hehe. I absolutely can’t wait for the Bruno movie to come out. He’s hilarious, and the Borat screening at the Toronto Film Festival was a huge success. Everyone loves or will love this movie.

  7. Anonymous

    Bye Bye CL!! don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya….. on second thought…..

  8. CL

    How dare you attack Patricia Heaton. I am a registered nurse and a Republican. The type of help Fox or anyone with Parkinson’s in not helped bu stem cells. Do your research. I will not boycott Albertson’s. I will now boycott anything you touch. CL

  9. CL

    How dare you attack Patricia Heaton. I am a registered nurse and a Republican. The type of help Fox or anyone with Parkinson’s in not helped bu stem cells. Do your research. I will not boycott Albertson’s. I will now boycott anything you touch. CL

  10. Anonymous

    If this site is so boring and dumb, don’t come back. Simple, huh?

  11. Anonymous

    Not interested in either one of these folks.

  12. dmumsie

    This is the most boring and dumb site ever..

  13. Pat

    He’s “Ali G” from England.
    His Ali persona is a parody of middle class white boys adopting black, urban, media driven stereotype.
    Americans might not get the joke.
    Not at first anyways.
    He’s too funny!

  14. Rori

    I believe the jew thing.
    That is why we need more Greek men on TV. Telly Savalas is dead.
    We need to get this guy his own TV show.

  15. Over Representation of Jews

    All this HYPE is because Cohen is a jew and jews are over represented in the media because they control the media.
    check out all the big entertainment sites (us, people, instyle, etc.) they are all covering him excessively and most people are like, \”Who is this guy?\” or \”He is so annoying.\”
    Anyway, keep your eyes open, people. Just because you read something, that doesnt mean it\’s true.

  16. Anonymous

    Actually, there is a bidding war going on over the next movie, and that’s been reported in the trades.
    And Rori? PLEASE stop the spamming. Very few people, I’d guess, care about whoever this guy is.

  17. Anonymous

    Do you ever do any fact checking? Fox has CUT the number of movie theaters his movie is going to open in cuz NO ONE knows who this guy is?
    read this you dumb fake blonde

  18. Rori

    I think you should do more stories about Constantine Maroulis. He put 2 more songs up on his myspace.