Post Malone is still insisting that it was coke that caused him to GAIN weight – not lose it. He’s not talking about the drug- Malone means Coca-Cola! It turns out he was in the habit of drinking can after can of his beloved Coke all day long, without a second thought. Not long ago he realized all that sugar had plumped him up to 240 pounds. It wasn’t easy, but he stopped guzzling Coke and saved it only for special occasions. (like champagne) It’s hard to believe, but the 28 year old singer gradually lost almost 60 pounds without the help of Ozempic! He says that performing is much more fun now. This is kind of a slap in the face for the Coca-Cola company- if we were CEO, we’d send Post a few cases of Diet Coke and try to keep him as a customer…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Malone on tour in NYC
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He looks like a serial killer. Weight isn’t his problem.
Hideous tattoos
His torso tats are muddy. Makes me think he had some CoolSculpting to advance his weight loss.
seriously white boy, molon labe? stop the appropriation! You are not Hellenic and have no business stealing Hellenic history and culture for your tacky ugly tattoos
molon labe? i dont think so whitey, stop appropriating Hellenic history and culture for your ugly tattoos