Charlie Sheen’s porn star consort, Capri Anderson (who swears she is NOT a hooker) wants her $12,000 and she wants it NOW! That’s the figure Charlie agreed to pay her for sex back in his hotel room. When they entered his room she asked for the money in advance and that’s when he couldn’t find his wallet and went berserk, accusing her of stealing it. (His assistant down the hall had the wallet.) She locked herself in the bathroom and the cops hauled Charlie away BEFORE she got her money and she’s MAD. She’s threatening to go to Colorado Monday where Charlie is on probation for domestic violence and talk to the DA if Charlie doesn’t pay up fast. She’s also shopping her story around to the highest bidder. Charlie’s watch (valued at $100,000 to $170,000) is still not accounted for. If Capri doesn’t get her $12,000 this weekend Charlie might actually be in trouble.

About The Author


  1. Right Palermo. $12K??? What can she do, what can he want, that costs $12K????

  2. So she wants 12-grand from Sheen. For sex.

    Umm, she might want to check with Eliot Spitzer about the legal status of prostitution before she books that flight.

  3. capri: just be glad a celebrity like him used your abilities…………
    (just be thankful he used you)

  4. $12,000 for sex??? It makes Al Gore’s $465 massage look paltry.

  5. Ok, so she’s not a hooker even though she charges money for sex??? Porn stars are ALL hookers, they get paid for SEX not “acting” so she’s a Ho-ah no question. That being said, Charlie hired her to do a job and she’s entitled to what was agreed to. If he wants to pay for sex from women who have been had a billion times that’s his business but if you make an arrangement live up to the deal dumbass.

    Personally I don’t get why any man would pay for sex when you can get a slut in a bar for free, especially if you’re famous.

  6. NO sexual act from any male or female is worth that stupid sum of money. He has GOT to be one of the most mind-numbingly biggest wastes of human flesh and oxygen that has ever been. I would only hope CBS fires his ass and YESTERDAY! Give the rest of the team jobs on something else and get rid of the trash once and for all. The public is sick of this creep and his excesses in a time when so many have little to nothing. He needs to dissappear pronto and take his leering smirk with him. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and he’ll OD soon!

  7. Reta: CBS won’t fire him because he brings in lots and lots and LOTS of money. And I agree w/ what a lot of you have already said… she says she’s not a prostitute, but, she is having sex for a set amount of money, and like any good prostitute, wanted her money up front.
    Janet, if she insists she’s not a prostitute, what DOES she call someone who has sex for a set amount of money. Also, a bit off the subject: she’s pretty… wonder why she hasn’t tried to make it as a mainstream actress? I mean, I’m sure she’s just as talented as Denise Richards. 🙂

  8. I don’t know about Sheen not getting fired. His show has had a good run, in already in syndication, and is getting VERY expensive – Sheen makes 1.5 million, Angus (Jake) makes 300K, and Cryer must make something between those two. And the actresses playing the secondary roles are not getting chicken feed.

    If CBS has too many headaches RE Sheen, they could pull the plug without a second thought.

  9. What’s a $12,000 blow job like? Enquiring minds would like to know. Pay her, it’s couch money to him.

  10. From all the girl on girl action she seems to be involved in, a sentance of 30 days with Sam Ronson would seem to be good punishment…maybe for each of them, separately.

  11. Flying to Colorado to complaint to a DA that he didn’t pay her for sex? This story is either a joke, or “Capri” is incredibly stupid. Probably both. The worst part of this story is that we’re likely to see that media whore Gloria Allred at some point. Damn you Charlie Sheen.

  12. It’s a recession right now!!! That’s rent money, car money, walking around money, toliettries money, hair, nail & pedicure all in less than an hour. Its Better than sleeping with a bunch of guys for hrs to make the same amount.

  13. Charlie Sheen is scum! Not even the delightful Conchata Ferrell can make me get past his disgusting actions and watch that abysmal show of his! Why does he have a career?

  14. Charlie will now (per Wiki) get $1.88 million per episode of 2 1/2 men. Seems the more rotten you are the more $$ you get.

  15. That means Charlie will only have to work for 15 minutes to earn enough to buy another watch.

  16. I have refused to watch anything with him in it for many years now. If the rest of America would do the same we’d be rid of the creep soon enough. I don’t have any idea why a cheesy TV version of his real self is considered entertaining. I think it only serves to reinforce his deluded sense of self and his actions against women.

  17. I bet the watch was left in the bathroom when the assistant redressed Charlie without thinking about the watch. The next visitor got quite the surprise of a six figure watch. I read it can’t opening be sold it is so rare.

    I love Charlie and I love 2 1/2 Men. Charlie is his own victim. (That said, I do wish he would get into a serious rehab program, and stop hurting himself.)

    The porn participant is not due her $12,000. THEY DIDN’T HAVE SEX. No services were rendered. She really is dumb.

  18. I think she ‘deserves’ the money first because a deal’s a deal, and secondly, what Charlie put her through was a lot more than she bargained for, or wanted. That said, I couldn’t care less about either of them. OT: Charlie is quite an open window on Hollywood, to realize that someone so bereft of character, integrity, or decency commands more money than any other actor on TV.

  19. Hollywood has not changed ,is no worse than it every was. Back in the early days of Hollywood, movie people were notorious for having orgies, drug habits, all sorts of perversion, etc., etc., As the industry got more established, people just learned to hide it a bit more. Then people got hypocritical, making pariahs of people like Clara Bow for being low class sluts, when they were really no better.

    Hollywood history is as much about pornography, perversion, rape, murder,pedophilia and substance abuse as it is about movie making.

    In the end what may do Sheen in is the fact that he is exposing the huge underbelly of Hollywood, something never appreciated by the establishment.

  20. Thank you Charlie,for proving that you are a man of few scruples. You have it all the wives, the ex-wives,the hookers, the forever friendship of Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss,
    respected father/son Martin Sheen and Emilio
    as family,famous ex-girlfriends,more money and counting than your entire family will ever be able to help you spend,and you let yourself fall off the roof.Within one year 2 expensive cars going off a cliff with no one injured,which is almost unbelievable,and yet,you as a 45 year old man living and working,and being bless with healthy children
    continue to throw it all away,this time behind a piece of A$$ who evidently would not have given you the time of day if you did not have a $dollar sign attached to your name.The idea that this whippersnapper is more concerned about getting what she thinks you owe her,instead of being more fearful of being charged with misdemeanor,and putting her name out there for all to see, only show that you (ex-wives excluded)are attracting the very people who not helping you to build yourself back up,not only as a person,but as a man.Your buddy and co-star (Money Talks)Chris Tucker may be the comedian, but it is you Charlie Sheen who has allowed himself to become a never ending joke.
    Your parents are older now,and do not need all this disgrace,and bad publicity that you continuously bring to the Martin Sheen Family Name. Consider making today (Halloween) your last day of acting like a complete fool,and Start showing your family including your children,and your co-workers,and crew who depend on you for their livlihood that you do have the sense that you were born with. I will not apologize for giving you a harsh wake-up call. PEACE!!

  21. I’ll bet the highly respected Martin Sheen is really wondering now about this son of his…not only has he stained the name Sheen, but the Name Estevez as well. Charlie Sheen disgusts me with his excesses and blatent disregard for his riches. The way he throws money away, in fancy cars off cliffs, whores, watches, drugs, and just plain ol being crazy as his money will oblige him to be with no stops or brakes, is obscene in this day when there are so many people out of work, losing their homes, and even committing suicide because they can’t take what has become of their life and have given up hope. This moron flaunts his excesses to the world and smirks about it. He’s not “acting” in that show that has made him rich, he’s being HIMSELF! Why the public, or the people who put this on ever thought this was a good idea is beyond me. Watching a grown man being a sleezy creep, and doing it in front of a kid, then getting the highest salary on TV…well, that’s just about the stupidest thing I have EVER heard Hollywood do. My opinion of CBS is at the rock bottom lowest point, even lower than Charlie’s moral’s.

  22. people can spend their money how they want. the specks and nigs do.

  23. pros-ti-tute
    1. One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.
    2. One who sells one’s abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.

  24. The above is another post from a name grabber…not mine at all. A poor copy at that.

  25. Strom, that comment is more typical of your past self, so it is hard to know who is the real Strom these days.

  26. It is easy to tell…first if I had done it I would be glad to acknowledge,,,2nd it is a very shallow post,,,not my style.

  27. A question I have on all this is why havent the police found the drug suppliers of the celebs and lock them far away like they do others. Whitney H is known to have frequent coke deliveries…why isnt the deliverer caught and locked up just like whores are entrapped.

  28. Strom, good question. The reason the Heidi Fleiss investigation had such a limited scope was because some of her clients were politicians and Hollywood power players.

  29. strom: The late great Carroll O’Connor went after the drug dealers who supplied his son. A lot was done about it back then, but with so many illegals and low-lifes dealing, it’s a hopeless cause. Another sign of the world’s decline. This is also evidenced by drug cartels in Mexico smuggling tons of the stuff here….USA is incredibly stupid.

  30. Sorry to take it slightly off topic, but, after Indy’s comment, I have to ask:

    Considering all that is going on in Mexico, how in hell can Canada and the U.S.A be in a free trade agreement with that country?

    It is indeed stupid…and insane.

  31. Lindsay’s dealer and Whitney H’s dealer are not illegals….the record and movie companies and talent agencies are involved in this, not as dealers but as enablers.

  32. Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better! says:

    There is always going to be some blood sucker out there with information about your personal business holding over your head who wants to get paided?

  33. Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better! says:

    Maybe he simply don’t give a DAM WHAT SHE THINKS AND WANT HER TO GO TO THE PRESS.

  34. Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better! says:

    This woman can get paid saleing her story or something and no matter what she is sick and tired of having sex with strangers and men she is not attracted to for money and she rather take his money and so she can retire and start her own business. Maybe she should go to PLAY BOY AND DO A LAY OUT OR SOMETHING.

  35. Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better! says:

    There is a will or away to make money off this and…I know you have some dirty little secrets and juicy little stories to tell the world.

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