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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Wow! The LA Times has a great Scientology scoop today. Police records show that Tom Cruise’s best friend David Miscavige had his OWN FATHER followed, spied upon, and planted a GPS unit in his car for 18 months after his father split from Scientology. He was afraid his father would talk about the organization’s nefarious activities. The situation came to light when detectives hired by the church were arrested in Ronald Miscavige Sr’s neighborhood in Wisconsin – they were carrying numerous weapons, binoculars, computers, a GPS tracing device, etc. Eventually the detectives from Florida broke down and admitted they were hired for $10,000 a week by David Miscavige through another party. Here’s a SHOCKER: One day as they were watching the father load objects into his car, the 79 year old grabbed his chest and slumped over. Detectives didn’t know what to do and called their Florida contact and David himself called them back in person. He told them that if was Ron’s time to die, to let him die and don’t interfere. (He didn’t.) All this is in Wisconsin police records! Click HERE to read to whole juicy story!

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  1. mishmash

    What’s with the prisoner of Zenda fake uniform? Is he an admiral? It’s hard to believe that anyone swallows that Hubbard drivel. He was a hack scfi writer and managed to fool people into buying his Zenu stuff.

  2. Shelby

    What a little pr!ck.

  3. Bluejay

    He’s got a face that says, “punch me.”

  4. Georgie

    Miz Buzybody, thanks for pointing out the picture with the woman’s face torn out! Holy crap, these freaks are off the charts! Totally insane!

  5. Georgie

    I meant to say, “this idiot and his sick cult down.”

  6. Georgie

    Did he serve in the United States Navy and earn the rank of Captain? And battle ribbons? wtf? Why doesn’t our government take this idiot down?

  7. Melissa

    The man is a monster. It tells me a lot about the kind of person that Tom Cruise is, as this lunatic is his closest friend.

  8. Natalie

    This religious organization is tax exempt.

  9. Strom

    Maybe when Tom heard Katie was screwing BLACKS he went off!

  10. Sonny

    Miscavige is only 5’1″.

  11. mister baja

    one of the most harming sects, the scientology business, is!!

  12. Miz Buzybody

    If you enlarge the photo behind him you can see that it reveals Tom, David and a woman with her face tore out. Is this his MIA wife or Katie Holmes?

    The stupid, fancy uniform is appropriate for the tin horn dictator that he is. A religious cult that embraces it’s leader so devotedly is in danger of collapsing upon his eventual death– if it doesn’t happen sooner due to being discredited.

  13. Bluejay

    Big fancy uniform! Which section of the Services did Miscavige serve in? Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marines?

  14. Philberto Cardenez

    No worse than the disgraces that are committed by the World’s more ‘established’ religions .

  15. sandyRED

    Miscavige is the son of Hitler. Vicious, violent, sick.

  16. Diva

    David is pond scum