Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Paula Abdul looked like she was walking on air at LAX this weekend. You’d think she didn’t have a care in the world. (Maybe she doesn’t. We still maintain that she will return to American Idol.) She was NOT happy to find a police officer writing a ticket for her limo driver. Paula turned on the charm, but the cop wouldn’t budge. He obviously had no sympathy for her career dilemma.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Reta you just wrote the word you are so sick of. But why did you not write the word “nigger”?
Hey Janet can you PLEASE silence the gay bashing prick Gerard Vandenburg/Captain America? I’m so sick of him being able to call anyone and everyone “faggots”…it’s the most sickening word there is besides the “N” word and you let him say it on here all the time!
Oh Lily Lily
She has been crazy nuts ever since she was caught with Corey Clark. Does anyone know how much he got paid to shut up about it? Whatever the case, she is certainly enjoying the spotlight now.
Hey, look; Paul Abdul is going around with the male Posh spice.
captain america
with a FAGGOT on her side?
exactly……………………NAIL HER!!!
No talent, just nutty.
Maybe the new show will let her date the contestants. She never owned up to f&^c*ing black Corey Clark but it is well known to have happened. He provided a blow by blow account of the occasions and Paula’s bod.
Dr. is in - 5 cents please
Her tit job was botched terribly and the officer is looking at them.
She would go completely nuts (even more so) if she couldn’t be on Idol. It has already been settled for her to come back. This is just a publicity stunt to drum up interest in this fading show that is almost certainly fixed as to who the winner will be.
Side note: And Ryan Seacrest getting $45 million for 3 years. wow, now maybe he can get a girl/boy friend.
so so SO sick of her! Wish she’s go away, far far AWAY! I’m hoping to hell she doesn’t wind up on So You Think You Can Dance…OHMIGAWD she’d ruin ANOTHER show for me with her retarded remarks and behavior! She’s a total moron and I’d love it if I never saw or heard about her again!!