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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Pink has put partying on the back burner since she became a new mom. She and Carey Hart seem to be the happiest parents alive. Pink says when she watches Carey cuddling their little girl she loves him even more. Sweet. Today she took three month old Willow to the barbershop in New York and they waited outside while Carey got a hair cut.

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  1. Kitty

    Is that a barcode on the back of her neck???

  2. Dawn

    Cute baby! They seem happy and I hope it stays like that. Pink is Pink and that is what is great about her and boy what a voice!

  3. Indy

    I love fat-cheek babies, but Pink, not so much.

  4. Bluejay

    Patrick, please don’t invoke the “C” word!
    Wearing sunglasses is probably scaring the little baby–what’s that bug-eyed thing doing here?

  5. Indy

    pippa, I’m not a fan either. She always looks like a man in drag.

  6. Strom

    Pink is very much a dyke type,,,,even w/child.

  7. Patrick

    Hello, your nastiness worked on Walt. Not me.

  8. Hello

    Patrick u stupid!!! And ditto.

  9. Denise

    Adorable baby. I am so happy for Pink.

    I’m with you Patrick, I miss Walt. Casonia, not so much. Maybe she went to Tulsa with Strom.

  10. forrest gump

    finally a decent name in hollywood.

  11. Patrick

    So that’s it? We wait days for pregnant ladies and fat baby stories?
    Is Casonia in solitary?
    She wouldn’t be able to help herself with these last two stories. There would be nine or ten in a row for each of slobbery, insane, drivel.
    Did you exorcise her Janet?
    Come back Walt and REta!

  12. Muffin

    Pink is AWESOME and look… No cuffs!!

  13. pippa martins-st. onge

    I have never been a fan.

  14. Indy

    How adorable.

    Serve up that fat little morsel on a silver platter.