Jason (The Transporter) Statham showed up at the Pink Taco opening in Century City with a cute female companion. We like him better when he shaves his head, but he’s still hot. Partygoers Jessica Alba and Cash Warren, Jake Hoffman, Kevin Connelly, Kimberly and Sean Stewart, etc enjoyed the open bar, but everybody was looking for something spicy to nibble on. Either the food was gone very early or there wasn’t any, so when the fire marshals arrived many people left in search of sustenance.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
What kind of man dates a person they meet in a nightclub who supported herself for years by escorting and who slept with her roomate’s boyfriend and all his friends? What is wrong with Jason? Is he too lazy to put himself out there to find someone sexy, fun, and hot who is not an immoral person? Or does he like the idea of someone slutty and desperate? It is definitely easier to control someone who is dependent on you for money.
It took her years to finish college, starting at some no name tier 4 place. She blew through 3 “legitimate jobs” in PR in the last year and finally put up a LinkedIn Profile to go Legit. Reading between the lines, it took 6 years at a couple of colleges and she has had no professional history until 2008. Ask yourself how she supported herself with fancy duds during that time.
Apparently, she met Jason through Dean May the club guy. Someone wrote on “dean may dated a hooker named alex zosman for years so i dont think he would risk getting a disease if he was really gay. he does lots of drugs with his ex’s friends and is NOT riich. he is a bit of a wanna be and everything wrong about la but not a bad or mean person. he is no heir to any fiortune. he is a club promoter and on the club scene. his biggest claim to fame is that he now hangs out with jayson statham because he sold his ex to him”
I know her from Miami. Her friendster profile is 1639180. See for yourself! About Me: My t!ts are real and I’m a f*ck!ng b!tch. I really like mirrors– does that say much?? I love to dance and have hot strippers dance for me. Scores is a personal fav. I’m a total Taurus and need to be pampered. Taking shrooms with Joe, pulling triggers, swimming in the ocean, SHOPPING, dating the wrong guys, victories with the taken ones, and TWINS. I looooove twins. I have a collection. Any twins out there wanna join? Who I Want to Meet: someone who will take me hunting!!!
dude has a long jaw- this is a primitive look.
Vaginas are great. Vaginas are quite possibly the center of thi planet, but the name “PINK TACO” turns me off as a name for a restaurant.