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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



MTV comic Pauly Shore is living proof that Speedos and their spawn do not do any man justice. “The Weasel” is now 47 and his movie career (“Encino Man”) seems to be behind him. But Pauly is still on the road appearing at comedy clubs across the country, and he says he likes it. He also performs at his mother Mitzi’s club, The Comedy Store, frequently. He was photographed in this unfortunate swimsuit in Miami.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Bucky M

    I don’t care for speedos or man-panties but that’s his business. Isn’t his mom, Mitzi in bad health with the Parkinsons?

  2. Jillian Scrimwith-Simpson

    lovely Man

  3. avila

    Who cares? Is he happy? Stop being a hater.

  4. oliver

    hahahahahahahahahahaha, youre right janet.

  5. Kittytime

    I think he looks pretty darn good! Better than carrot top 🙂

  6. Strom

    Angelo is getting turned on!

  7. Noblecascade

    can’t tell if he is pulling his swimsuit up or down.