No Wonder Paula Abdul has had a little smirk on her face lately. It looks like her new CBS series “Live to Dance” will be direct competition for her alma mater “American Idol” on Wednesdays and Tuesdays starting in January. It will be interesting to see what kind of audience the new highly publicized judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler will attract to the Fox show which has been losing viewers. Meanwhile, Paula’s dance show upped the ante by offering the winner a $500,000 jackpot.

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  1. Let’s see…the last time Paula was crushing,,,it was her naked booty into black Corey Clark, which should have gotten her booted from AI but lies all around were told. Will Corey make a run and do some dancing w/ Paula?

  2. Corey Clark was not doubt paid big $$$ to keep his mouth shut. He had the proof that he was more than just friends with her (descriptions of her house inside and out).

  3. Will she be taking a handful of oxycontin before every show? If so I would watch….

  4. Indy, so what? There are many ways he could get a description of her home. And if he was there, it may have been against rules, but does not mean something sexual took place.

    So, unless Clark can describe her vagina, inside or out, Paula should get the benefit of the doubt.

    I made a funny and a rhyme – I deserve a cookie!

  5. I never believed that old rumor and it was found to be false by the producers of AI. The guy was just trying to gain further fame by smearing her name.
    As for this new show…not interested in anything she’s on or involved in. She’s too big of a mess, and I was glad when she left AI. But AI will be worse, much worse without Simon Cowell who was pretty much the only reason I watched it. They need to dump the vocabularly chalenged Randy Jackson now for a real fresh start. His “dawg” and his other five words are beyond tiring and overdone.

  6. Actually he did describe her clam and had gifts from her and described the several visits to Howard Stern….it was hushed up but she was guilty as charged…should have gotten her fired on the spot.

  7. I agree Reta, the show was worse without her and without Simon it’ll be unwatchable.

  8. she definitely was knocking boots with Corey. good cover up by AI and her handlers. not sure the publicity helped him out in the end though.

  9. Jeanne, she actually had a career once and she is talented. Little cooky but harmless and funny with vulnerable side. I will watch.

  10. Lenny…please reread my post…I was NOT endorsing Paula..indeed I enjoyed AI MUCH better after she left. I couldn’t stand her OR Randy Jackson and his 5 word vocabulary. Simon was the ONLY reason that show was interesting or successful and I will be looking forward to the new one with him, and AI is dead as far as I’m concerned. Except for the beginning shows where they have the crazy people, that’s entertaining, but when they try to get serious, and find a “star” it just goes all to hell. Also the themes and the “mentors” suck too. Hell, the whole thing suck sucks!

  11. Sebastian(CookieMonster)Canada: Well, maybe you deserve a cookie…..maybe.

    RETA: I 100% agree about Simon Cowell being necessary for the future of AI. I think even if they kicked out the word-challenged Randy that the show is still mostly finished, done, kaput, buh-bye.

  12. LOL Indy. I did indeed have a cooookie, and it wa De-Li-sious!

    Meg, yeah. I actually think Paula is/was more talented than Madonna. Even if one discounts her singing, Paula could dance like nobody’s business. And still, she has a better voice than Madonna. Madge have longevity because she knows business, and is good at exploiting people.

  13. Most, if not all, of her wigs look really wiggy. And that’s getting jiggy wit it.

  14. The older she gets the more Arabic she looks…that isnt a criticism, just a statement.

  15. Far too many PC enablers too! Hasn’t been many stories lately of Paula’s “odor” this was said to have turned off many a man and Paula was evidentaly unable to get it under control. Obviously it didn’t bother black Corey Clark!

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