News alert! Paris Hilton was pulled over in her silver Bentley by police at approximately 11:00 PM Tuesday night. She was seen standing by her car on Sunset near The Laugh Factory pleading with officers, saying “Please, please ” over and over again, but the police did NOT look amused. How the situation ended we don’t know – our eyewitness couldn’t stay any longer. Can anyone out there fill in the blanks?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Hope she goes to jail and they forget where they put the key. Then there wouldn’t be anymore Paris stories!
It’s looking like a pair of golf gloves…Paris you should use them in the green grass and usually one hand only…
Britney's cooter.
I tried, I blew the cop a kiss and winked at him but he didn’t go for it!
Why isn’t Nicole in jail… Probably because her father told her to get some responsible friends and not somebody with no regard for the law at all.
Plus, didn’t her father get her like a used Dodge Neon. Well, I guess if she got loaded again and plowed into something it wouldn’t cost a fortune verse say that Bentley that Paris is in.
Wonder how much she or her parents pays for car insurance a month ?
She probably hasn’t a clue.
There’s no probably about it.
She’s going to do some time and it’s not going to be at some country club.
And she probably thought her show “Simple life” was a joke.
Hey, somebody get a hold of a independent videographer and tape the whole thing.
No make up, no fancy food, this just might change the girl…
Probably will make her grow up faster and give her a real retrospective of how some people live their lives in a box. Day in and day out.
Maybe she can make a documentary about other people who got drunk behind the wheel and killed somebody.
The girl needs an eye opener experience, per se.
she could get up to 90 days of jail for breaking her 33 month probation. …
and why the hell is nicole ritchie still driving?
maybe they need to wait until they have an accident like brandy before the hollywierd celebutards get the same justice as regular folk.
Wow! She’s hot looking in that photo.
I wonder how that photoshoot went, wonder if we’ll ever see those photos???
Ninety days in the slammer!
Remember how the media hung out at where Martha Stewart was at, lol.
Talk about a rating bonanza!
Move over Donald Trump!
Why is everybody so hard on her ?
Because she’s in the media spot light so often ? Big deal.
How big of an airhead is she ?
Kinda ditzy or is that a big act.
Wonder if she ever thought about being a comedian, I mean . If she could make people laugh and have hot looks, kill two birds with one stone.
If I were Ma & Pa Hilton I’d move her ass back to Memphis where the family is from to begin with..or I’d get her a chauffeur to drive her around like a royalty.
Who cares???? She’s a bimbo with zero talent!!!! Stop given her free publicity, unless you’re getting paid to, Janet…
Chateau Mike
OOPS……..She may have money but the laws are the same for her. I knew I should have stopped and picked her up. Why didn’t Lindsay Lohan come to her rescue?
According to TMZ–who is in Paris’s camp to cover up for her if they can or to at least give her the best possible spin–her car was towed. She was driving on a suspended license probably from her NO CONTEST plea to drunk driving.
Here’s the strange thing. She’s been driving all the time yet NOT ONE gossip rag/website has noticed that she shouldn’t be due to her NO CONTEST plea.
PS SHe probably did the driving infraction on purpose to get back into the tabloids again. I wouldn’t be surprised if Paris is paying Janet for reporting it.
What’s with those 80s-style gloves? Barfff!
prince von anushalt has petrified swimmers
paris handled the cops the same way that zsa zsa gabor did. by hitting them. she pleaded guilty and agreed to make a police gone wild video with them.
paris’ pet kinkajou, baby luv bit the crap out of her hands…so bad that she got rid of it. she had to go to the hosp to have a rabies type of vaccination. haha
but then again, maybe those are special retardified bentley driving gloves, which were developed to help very old folks keep their hands on the wheel.
those fake blue contacts and doll hair are fugalicious.
The Improv is on Melrose.
…forever and ever.
They should lock her up and throw away the key.