Now that Paris Hilton has been dragged screaming back to jail, we can examine the situation without the frenzy. If we’re not mistaken, Sheriff Lee Baca was also very helpful (attempted cover-up?) to Mel Gibson when he had his legal and social problems, so it’s only natural that he would reach out to help Paris. Boy, was HE in for a surprise when the backlash started to build. And it gets worse. We’ve been told that the Baca is a FRIEND of the Hilton family! That opens a big fat ethical can of worms. Will Paris be the downfall of his career?
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I read where Paris wouldn’t eat or drink in jail because she didn’t want to have to use the toilet for fear of having her picture taken while on the pot. Since when has she become so modest? Remember the sex tape? Everybody else does.
And does anybody believe the statements she’s supposedly making from jail? Those words are coming from her lawyers and publicists! What a loser.