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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
While Paris Hilton is languishing in jail, her paid mouthpiece Elliot Mintz (Yes, the publicist who’s starting to LOOK LIKE her) is LIVING IT UP! The other night he had a table at Area with $1000 bottle service. He was flirting and snuggling up to a cute dark haired muscular guy he just met, and yakking about his client. He said that Paris would be getting out June 24 and he’s been enjoying having free time for himself. He told the guy they had to make a date SOON before Paris gets out and takes over his life again.

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  1. Happy

    Who cares?

  2. Anonymous

    His mother must be so proud.

  3. Anonymous

    He’s a gazillion years old…what is doing at this date clubs for young people?
    Get a clue buddy.

  4. Anonymous

    Never trust your publicist, hon, they’re scum. They’re all wacky, tacky, flackies. This guy looks way too old to know the deal anyway.

  5. Anonymous

    i thought he fired after he supposedely missinformed her about her driving. what a bunch of BUllshit

  6. Anonymous

    i thought he fired after he supposedely missinformed her about her driving. what a bunch of BUllshit

  7. Anonymous

    i thought she fired after he supposedely missinformed her about her driving. what a bunch of BUllshit

  8. crowgirl

    EM is paid the huge bucks to write FAKE (lies)”press releases” to the public. Also to take the fall for clients if need be so that they still look good to the public.
    Summed up- People with problems and $$$ ‘need’ him and pay gladly. lol

  9. mojo

    7:27–what happened with mintz and yoko ono and john lennon.
    seriously, exactly what does this tool do… i understand that they call him a publicist….seriously, wtf does he really get paid to do?

  10. Cypress

    He’s a grown man, he didn’t get a ticket for dui, stupidly drive while under probation.. so why should he be banned from fun.

  11. Anonymous

    This over paid mouthpiece was the “friend” of Yoko Ono and the late John Lennon and I hated him then and he is still an ass!

  12. Anonymous

    Paris sure looks rundown, and so does the girl in the passenger seat.